Today's author is Ellora's Cave author, Eliza Lloyd . Her third 'Wicked' book - Wicked Lord - was released on September 14th. I still need to read this series, but I did read Another Lover in under 2 hours. Eliza knows her heat factor. You won't want to miss any of her beautifully crafted stories.
Today.. one lucky person will win an eBook copy of 'Wicked Lord'.

#1 – Do you have an idea for characters and build your plot around them or vice versa?
The plot “idea” always comes first. Then I’ll get a glimpse of the characters. Once I know what they want and why they can’t have it then I got back to plotting. I am a pantster who lives by sticky notes so plotting is a very fluid process for me.
#2 – Wicked Lord is the third in the series. What makes this book different from the previous ones?
That’s a tough question especially when I’m writing a themed series (see below.)
One of the biggest relationship differences is that the hero is in love with his wife before she realizes she is in love with him. Because of the circumstances of their marriage, he believes it is necessary to wait for her to declare her devotion to him first. This 19th century story is also set at a country estate rather than in London during the season – so there is only one waltz.
#3 – What is the common thread throughout the series?
The Wicked Affairs series started with a single idea, “happily ever after unless.” All of the protagonists are married but are at some great impasse in their marriage. In Wicked Desires, the hero is impotent. A great trick to pull off in an erotica! In Wicked Temptation, the heroine is married to a younger man and her naughty past comes back to haunt her. And in the new Wicked Lord, the hero is newly married but his wife is in love with another man. I like to write about married couples – it is more realistic during that time period and the hurt and emotion can be greater, I think.
#4 – I read Another Lover in 2 hours last night (I LOVE MY KINDLE!) You tell a beautiful story. What drew you to this genre of romance?
I love historical romance and read it non-stop so I was naturally drawn to that genre when I started writing. The erotica came next because I tend to write stories that are more sexual. For me, the early 19th century is just so full of romanticism, drama and wonderfully dressed men in tight breeches – what’s not to love?
#5 – What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received and how has it helped you?
A couple of years ago, I met three authors at a Celebrate Romance conference in Kansas City. They told me that to get published I would need luck, perseverance and talent. I used that as my screen saver for several years to remind me that to be successful was going to take more than just the ability to string a few words together.
Secondly, learn to be your own best critic. Writing a novel that impresses your friends and family is generally not going to impress a New York editor. Look for ways to make every word count and to make them strong. Voice is a nebulous thing but we all recognize it when we read it. Find yours.
You can pick up any of Eliza's books by going to her blog and clicking the Amazon or Ellora's Cave link.
How do you win your copy of a Wicked Lord? Answer the following question by leaving your answer in the comments. Happy Reading!
Answer and WIN!
What is the common thread throughout the Wicked series?