Gordon Warnock is the Senior Agent with the Andrea Hurst Literary Agency. He combines his knowledge of the industry with a sharp editorial eye. He’s also fun to visit with. He attends as many conferences as his schedule allows so if you have the opportunity to meet him, GO!
1. How do you select what conferences to attend?
I’m usually asked and have a hard time saying no. I also look at conferences that have been recommended to me by other agents and editors.
2. In my pitch workshop, I encourage authors to not waste time getting a requested submission out. Then you spoke about there not being a ‘statute of limitations’ on a request. Would you clarify, please?
If they learn something at the conference that can make that submission better, then I would prefer they took the time to put that knowledge to use before sending me something. Quality is more important than Time.
3. What is the biggest mistake you see made during pitch sessions?
Not relaxing. We are human, just like you are. And being prepared.
4. Personal favorite read? Non-work related?
Stories that inspire me, shorts or flash pieces and stories that push the art form.
5. Favorite comfort food?
Carbs and cheese. I attended one of those BBQ cook-off events with friends and found I enjoy good BBQ.
I had a great time chatting with Gordon at the Ozark Creative Writers conference. He gave an informative presentation and I look forward to networking with him again. Thanks Gordon!
NOTE: The above answers are paraphrased from our quick conversation and not ‘direct’ quotes.