Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 Good morning, friends. 

I just finished ONCE UPON A DATE by Susan Hatler this morning. I had twenty minutes left last night when my kindle battery decided to take a long nap. LOL


Aspiring author Michelle Moss meets her Prince Charming at a Masquerade Ball only to discover the man behind the mask is Brooks Keller, the editor who just rejected her manuscript and the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart.

It wasn’t a glass slipper that Michelle Moss left behind at the Masquerade Ball, but a beat up laptop. Her driver remained human, her ride didn’t turn into a pumpkin, and thank goodness she didn’t see any mice waiting for her in her condo. But Michelle did spontaneously kiss her masked Prince Charming and was determined to find him.

Tracking down her missing laptop using a locator app, she fully expected birds to sing, rice to fall from the sky, and the credits to roll when she found her potential true love. Instead, she found the editor, Brooks Keller, who rejected her modern fairytale manuscript. He told her the book was unrealistic, unimaginable, and unpublishable. Oh, and he’s also the ex who dumped her in high school.

Michelle urgently needs the book advance to bail her not-so-wicked but irresponsible stepbrother out of a financial mess. But she doesn’t want to change her fairytale ending. So, Michelle and Brooks make a deal: they will retrace her character’s steps from the book and if Brooks falls head over heels for Michelle then Brooks will publish the book Michelle’s way. If not, then Michelle will make the requested changes.

 As Michelle tests out the life she always dreamed of, she discovers the chemistry with Brooks is still there after all these years. She knows Brooks is only playing the part of the hero, but everything feels so real. If she acts on her feelings, though, will he break her heart a second time?

 Okay, longest blurb I've ever read. That aside, when I first searched on Amazon for 'new' contemporary romance, I'm not sure why Once Upon A Date popped up. This book was published in 2020 and is book six in the Do-Over Date series. So, you know what that means for me, right? LOL I may be reading more books in 2024 than I originally planned.

AS character arcs go, Ms Hatler showed the evolution of Michelle and Brooks very well. There was that aha moment for Michelle when she (and the reader) realize she is done being a door mat. Ms Hatler also showed Brooks' insecurities and how he overcomes them That's not a spoiler alert, by the way. That is a fact in Happy Ever After books. 

The journey for Michelle and Brooks to get from where they used to be, where they are now and that Happy Ever After makes Once Upon A Date a great read. 

I'm giving ONCE UPON A DATE:

You'll find links to all of Susan's books by visiting her links below:

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 Good morning!

I'm shining the spotlight on NYT and USA Today best selling author, Susan Hatler.

I found Susan on  Amazon while searching for this week's book. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow.

Here's a bit about Susan Hatler:
SUSAN HATLER is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, who writes humorous and emotional contemporary romance and young adult novels. Many of Susan’s books have been translated into German, Spanish, and Italian. A natural optimist, she believes life is amazing, people are fascinating, and imagination is endless. She loves spending time with her characters and hopes you do, too.

She also has an 'unofficial' bio on her website:

Because her most recent release is a Christmas book, I've stepped back to 2020 for this week's review of ONCE UPON A DATE. We'll check that out on our Wednesday Review.

In the mean time, you'll find Susan a little bit of everywhere on social media by clicking on any of the links below.

All my best!

Monday, January 29, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

All my best!
~ Angela

Friday, January 26, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

I hope you're writing and maybe these photo prompts are inspiring you.

All my best!
~ Angela

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 Good morning!

I'm a little late coming in but I had to finish BRIDE SWAP by Beth Carter.

I would have finished the story last night but if my light isn't out by 10 p.m., I'm worthless the next day. So coffee and finishing time were first on my list this morning.

Many authors talk about their supportive husbands/ significant others, etc. Beth definitely found one in her prince charming. Not only can she bounce ideas off hi, clutter their kitchen table with her scribbled notes but he came up with the title for this book!

Paige, a popular hard-charging television anchor, is handed a dismal new assignment to improve the station’s ratings. Her new job involves, of all things, sports. Gag. She hates sports, plus being on the road may put her career and her secret engagement to a rival news anchor in peril. Never mind that her fiancé constantly flirts with his so-called fans or the fact that her new male coworker may be after her job. What about the wedding? Hello? How can Paige possibly plan nuptials while constantly traveling to, ugh, games?

Emma, an overwhelmed single mother, is asked by her best friend to plan her wedding. Problem is, Emma has a thriving Etsy business making promotional items for authors, plus her energetic five-year-old daughter is beginning kindergarten. And little Lucy happens to have the hottest teacher on the planet. With a teenage-like crush, Emma can’t stop volunteering for every school activity imaginable. Always loyal, Emma agrees to help her BFF. Except her crazy schedule causes memory issues. Big ones.

Will Emma realize her mammoth blunder and race against time to create an unforgettable wedding for Paige, or is it too late? What if the wrong bride is getting married? Should they swap or forget the whole thing? Guilt is a powerful drug.

As far as construction BRIDE SWAP is one of the most interesting books I've read in a long time. While it's a contemporary romance, the journey to Happily Ever After is fun, intriguing and for lack of a better word, precious. 

Just when you think Paige is your main character in her too-busy life to even plan her own wedding, you realize that Emma is by no means a secondary character. In fact, she could almost be the main character. 
Without giving too much away, I promise you will love everything about their stories and little Lucy will melt your heart. 

I'm giving BRIDE SWAP:

You can purchase your copy by clicking on the AMAZON link below the cover or by visiting Beth's Amazon Author Page.

All my best!

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


 Good morning, everyone!

Today, I want to introduce you to a talented author I've known for many years. We used to be in the same writing/ critique group in Springfield, Missouri. That was before she  transitioned from the corporate world to writing books.

Here's a bit about Beth:
Formerly a bank VP and hospital marketer, Beth Carter reinvented herself at mid-life to pen novels and children's picture books. She doesn't miss the 8 o'clock meetings whatsoever and much prefers yoga pants to corporate suits. Carter is a multi-award-winning author of the popular six-book Coconuts series, as well as standalone novels: BRIDE SWAP, SLEEPING WITH ELVIS and MIRACLE ON AISLE TWO. She also penned THE QUARANTINE COOKBOOK (a pandemic project for charity), four children's picture books, and a nonfiction book on writing, publishing, and marketing: I WROTE A BOOK. NOW WHAT?

 The author splits her time between Missouri and Florida. Fueled by coffee, nature, stories from being a single mom, plus her wild imagination, Carter pens hilarious, heartwarming novels. She loves board games, reading, boating, dancing, shopping, chardonnay, and the beach. Connect with Beth Carter on social media or via her website at Join the author's fun readers' group, Beth's Book Babes, for cover reveals, contests, giveaways, and all things books and reading!

I'll be reviewing her recent release, BRIDE SWAP, tomorrow. In the mean time, follow the links below:




FACEBOOK FOR Children's Books

All My Best!


Monday, January 22, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

Can it be we are over half way through the first month of 2024? Will this year seem to pass as quickly as 2023?  Only time will tell.

All my best!

Friday, January 19, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

Here is this week's photo:

All my best!
~ Angela

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - Swimming In Moonlight

Good morning, everyone!

I am excited to share a 'new' author with you this week. Actually, Mitzi Fine has been writing books under Kit Morgan for several years. She also has the Wild Rose Ridge series which has seven books so far and last fall she released a Christmas book - Her Christmas Wish - as part of that series.  

If you want to be a successful author, this is one gal to follow. She knows what she's doing!

Here's a bit about Mitzi Fine:

Mitzi Fine loves writing women's fiction and small town romance stories that touch the heart. Her wholesome stories depict a strong sense of family and community and have no shortage of humor! She loves adding a bit of mystery to her books, and why not? She was raised by a homicide detective! Enjoy her sweet romances and women's fiction books about life, love, and women of a certain age trying to reshape their lives and discover love again.

When not writing Mitzi enjoys traveling, eating chocolate, and driving her family a little crazy with all the stories in her head just waiting to get out. She resides in the Pacific Northwest where many of her stories are set.

On to today's review:


Two Single Parents

A Cranky Grandmother

And a Heart-wrenching Secret...

 Single mother Cami James didn’t have much. What she did have was a lazy brother who thought she was his personal slave. So when her uncle dies and leaves her his duplex in her hometown of Marigold, Oregon, she jumps to collect her inheritance and get away from her brother. There was just one problem…

Alex Wolfe came to Marigold with his five-year old twins to start fresh. For one, the town was charming, and his grandmother lived there. And two? He never forgot the magical summer he’d spent with Cami James. But that summer was cut short when his grandmother sent him back to England, telling him Cami was with another man and had moved on. In fact, she’d not only moved on, she moved out of Marigold! Heartbroken he moved on too and wound up in a nightmare relationship. When Alex runs into Cami in Marigold, he can’t believe it! Could this mean a second chance at love? Or will a secret tear them apart for good? Find out in this heartwarming second chance romance!


Most of you know that Second Chance love stories are what I write. Whether the main characters are reuniting after a period of separation for one reason or another, OR they are just taking a second chance at love with someone new, these story lines have my heart.  You could say I cut my romance teeth on Second Chance Romances.

SWIMMING IN MOONLIGHT is Book 1 in the Love In Marigold series. Very seldom do I get in on the ground floor of a series. I'm usually picking up a book in the middle then going back to catch up. Last Wednesday's book, for example.  Dropping into the middle of a series is fine when the books can stand alone, which is the case with Swimming In Moonlight. 

I loved how Mitzi found the title in her story (or maybe vice versa) by incorporating a memory from the hero's point of view. Swimming in the moonlight was a beautiful memory from Alex's past with Cami. 

There are a couple of bumps in their reunion that will make you want to throttle other people, but there is one cranky old lady you'll come to love. Grandma D grew up in another time... a time that molded her way of thinking. But she's smart and she learns to let go without losing who she is.

I'm anxious for Book 2 and once you read SWIMMING IN MOONLIGHT and visit the small town of Marigold, I think you will be too.


You'll find Mitzi Fine on Facebook:

All my best!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


 Good morning, everyone!

This week, I'm introducing you to someone 'new'.  

I say new because while the author name is new, I've featured one of her other pseudonym in previous blog posts.


Mitzi Fine loves writing women's fiction and small town romance stories that touch the heart. Her wholesome stories depict a strong sense of family and community and have no shortage of humor! She loves adding a bit of mystery to her books, and why not? She was raised by a homicide detective! Enjoy her sweet romances and women's fiction books about life, love, and women of a certain age trying to reshape their lives and discover love again.

When not writing Mitzi enjoys traveling, eating chocolate, and driving her family a little crazy with all the stories in her head just waiting to get out. She resides in the Pacific Northwest where many of her stories are set.

You'll find Mitzi on Facebook:

To see a complete listing of her books to date, check out ROMANCE.IO

I'll be back tomorrow to review Book 1 in the Love In Marigold series!

All my best!


Monday, January 15, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

I hope this finds your week off to a great start!

All my best!
~ Angela

Friday, January 12, 2024


Good morning, friends!

Today's photo re-energizes the Friday Photo posts of the past. There will be a new photo every Friday.

May each photo get those creative juices flowing. Perhaps they'll inspire a short story or an entire novel. The photo eliminates the blank screen. Feel free to copy/ paste to the top of what would otherwise be a blank document and write!

All my best!


Thursday, January 11, 2024

CONFERENCES & CONTESTS - Between the Pages

Good morning, everyone!

I received information last week about the upcoming Between the Pages Writers Conference. I first attended the conference on-line during covid. There was a lot of great information. Then in 2021, several of those speakers came back to present in person, as well as other great speakers. I attended that one as well and had a fantastic time, learned a lot and just enjoyed having a hotel room to myself. Something I've never been able to experience before. What a treat!

The conference will be held June 7-9, 2022 in Springfield MO at the Double Tree by Hilton in the Glendalough Convention Center. The hotel is beautiful with a friendly staff. 

You'll find a list of the Speakers HERE  and Workshops

There are also eleven contest categories - ten of which do not require an entry fee other than the conference registration and all include cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 

Bob is home this year so I could attend. I could also drive back and forth, though that is a four-hour drive round trip. I have a few weeks to consider. In the mean time, I might look over the contest categories and see if something piques my interest.

Please let me know if you decide to attend so we can meet up! 

All my best!


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - A Letter From Nana Rose

 Good morning, friends!

One of my goals this year is to read more books. A writer NEEDS  to read in able to learn and to grow as a writer.  I truly believe that but I've always held myself back for two reasons. One - once I start a book I can not put it down. If I read during the day, nothing else gets done. If I read at night before bed, I don't get any sleep. 

Case in point is this week's book, A LETTER FROM NANA ROSE by Kristin Harper. I began reading the book during coffee, then lunch while out of town on Saturday. Sunday was my husband's last day home before leaving for twenty-two days. Every time he did something that didn't involve me (like getting his bags ready for Monday morning (he had to leave by 5:30 a.m.), I picked up the book. We were supposed to be spending time together LOL By the time I was down to the last three chapters I asked him if he could get on Facebook or something so I could finish the book. 

The cover you see on Amazon is not the final cover for the print book.  So if you go looking you won't see the cover I have above.  Follow the link under my image above and you'll be taken to the correct book... Book 3 in the Dune Island series. 

For me, the book started out a bit slow but as I continued to read I realized Kristin was setting the pace for life on the picturesque Dune Island. The story pulled me in when the letters from Nana Rose began to arrive. In each one, in precious pieces of memories, Nana Rose began to reveal a secret she had harbored for over sixty years! Can you imagine keeping a secret from your family for that long? 

Here's the book blurb:

This summer is one they will never forget...

Arriving at the inherited honeysuckle-covered beach house heartbroken, Jill hopes to convince her two feuding sisters not to sell a place so full of happy memories. Then the envelope waiting on the driftwood table changes everything. In her elegant handwriting, Nana Rose promises a new letter will arrive each day revealing a family secret she took to her grave.

Shaken, Jill anxiously awaits each letter filled with Nana's bittersweet memories of her own sister, whom she loved more than anyone - and lost far too young. But why did Nana never speak of this tragic loss to her grandchildren?

Each passing day, Jill feels her sisters growing closer than ever. And after a chance encounter with blue-eyed Alex, she begins to wonder is she's finally found "the one". But when Nana's final letter arrives, the revelation inside is so shocking that it threatens everything Jill holds dear.

There are three sisters, Rachel, Brooke, and Jill. If you've ever had siblings, especially sisters you will identify with these girls. Always so close yet there are instances of discontent, especially if you are middle child who seems to be overlooked or the baby (as I am) that regardless of how old you get, the other two (the oldest especially) seems to 'mother' you. Yet when push comes to shove, Love will balance the scales every time.

This book was an absolute joy to read. I waited for each letter from Nana Rose as much as the girls did. I felt every emotion they experienced as the learned about their grandmother's life. That is what a book is supposed to do. Draw you, make you a part of the story. Kristen Harper does a beautiful job. 

I hope you will enjoy reading A LETTER FROM NANA ROSE as much as I have. In fact, I've placed an order for the other remaining four books in the series. Book 6 releases in March.

I'm giving A Letter From Nana Rose:

In the mean time, please check out Kristin Harper's links below and when you've finished reading, please leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads. 


All My Best!

~ Angela

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Good morning, everyone!

Bob left for work yesterday so I guess I need to get back in the office and be productive as well.

I'm kicking off 2024 with the return of the Author Spotlight. This series 'should' run every Tuesday with a review of a book by that author on Wednesday. Please bear with me, I'll get there. 

This is Kristin's promo photo from all of her media, including the back cover of her book. She has a website, Goodreads and Twitter-X account. I will link all of those below.

Normally, I read mostly romance but I picked up 'A Letter From Nana Rose' at Walmart last week and could not put the book down. I'll go into more detail during my review tomorrow.

Here is Kristin's Bio from her website:

Kristin Harper grew up in New England, and has lived in various places across the US, including the West Coast and Washington, D.C. She's now happily back in Massachusetts, just a stone's throw from Cape Cod--the source of inspiration for the setting of her Dune Island series.

Kristin earned her MFA in creative writing, and she's thrilled to be a full-time author. She has held numerous other professional roles, such as a college professor, an addictions coach, a data analyst, and a development director. 

Although she's not on social media very often, she loves hearing from readers and fellow writers, so she hopes you'll drop her a line! You can contact her at

From what I can see on the website, she is a Women's Fiction author. That genre often offers a bit of romance, though that is not the focus of the story.  I also discovered the book I will be reviewing tomorrow is Book 3 in a six-book Dune Island series. I will have to read them all. 

In the mean time, I hope you'll check out her website, good reads and follow her on Twitter-X


All my best!

~ Angela