Welcome back!
If you missed Part 1 - you can see it
I kept the same picture because I wanted to draw your attention to the journal in the center. That is a
Documented Life Planner . The journal is just what the title says - Plan your life and document all the things you do on a daily basis. The original concept behind a DLP uses a Weekly Moleskin journal. Well, if you remember anything from my previous post then you know there is no way I'm fitting everything on a 'weekly' page. So I created my own using composition notebooks. I have 4 - 1 per quarter of the year and working on a DAILY system. Here's what an inside weekday page looks like:
I only use the left hand side of the page for business.
I have one daily schedule breakdown sheet adhered to the journal page with a colorful piece of Washi Tape (nothing says our journals have to be boring!). This is like a page within a page. I simply turn it back to keep my project notes underneath.
But that top piece is the SECRET INGREDIENT to how H. Reardon's book has changed how I move through my day.
SUCCESSFUL business people work in TIME BLOCKS. That's why most dayplanners are broke down into :30 min increments. This allows those highly motivated, successful people to account for every minute of their day.
I learned a long time ago that :30 min. increments are not for me. In fact, I didn't think they made sense at all for someone working from home. Boy, was I wrong... and why I never seemed to get on top of things.
So I started by looking at what I HAD to do in a work day and the best way to break down my time AND still allow time for family, fun, art, LIFE.
This is what I came up with:
You can click on the picture for a larger view but here's how I break my day down:
Up at 6:30 (note only a 1/2 hour earlier than I'd been getting up)
I use this time to boot up the computer, make the coffee, check on all the critters, etc.
7:00-8:00 I ENJOY my coffee and cruise sights like art boards and Pinterest - not to work but to ENJOY!
8-8:30 I exercise.
I use a variety of things from videos, to Wii Fit to just walking on the treadmill while I watch something on the DVR. Then a quick shower.
9 -10 All about the email.
This usually doesn't take an entire hour - for all 3 email accounts. 4 if I sign into Yahoo to do Groups
10 - Brunch
Sometimes in this hour I will also get outside for a bit but usually I am multi-tasking household chores
like doing dishes, hanging laundry, running the sweeper.
11 - You'll notice the exampled says Party List Part 1.
That's a Wednesday only thing. I have one blog post that must be on my music blog by 7 a.m. Thursday mornings for various radio stations. The post takes me all day on Wednesday to do.
The right hand side is for doodling and art work.
On other days I work on contest entries and critiques for other authors
1 - It's lunch time.
I'll also spend this hour multi-tasking around the house and walk down to get the mail
2-5 - I'm back on the Party List post (Wed.)
This part of the Wed post requires adding over 50 links to artist/ venue websites within the post before uploading. Sometimes I'll move to the sofa for this part and let a movie play in the background.
5 - Final check of email.
I respond to anything needing a response and take care of others. But no longer than an hour.
6 - Computer is shut down for a couple hours.
I fix and enjoy dinner, take clothes off the line and anything else I can do.
8 - I'm back to write fiction for a couple hours.
I do this by word sprinting with long-time writer buddies on Yahoo Instant Message.
Very productive time.
By 10 p.m. (sometimes 9) I am DONE for the day. I can sit on the sofa, put my feet up and enjoy some of my favorite shows - with or without Bob home. I'm not working til 11 p.m. or midnight AND I'm getting my projects done AND fiction time in.
That is my day when Bob is gone.
Now instead of working weekends (at the computer) I'm able to go out to music venues and meet new artists without fear of falling behind.
When Bob is home I try to limit my time to morning email, and 2 full days - Mon/ Wed. With the rest of the time spent with him.
I have explained to him that when he retires in 5 years that I will have to work more than 2 days a week. LOL but maybe I can work 1/2 days 4 days a week? We're still working that one out.
How are you spending your day?
Are you accomplishing what you need every day or feeling like you're constantly playing catch-up?
Share your thoughts. And for those of you at ORA, I'll have my planner with me at the Aug. meeting if you'd like to see it. Goes everywhere with me.