I first 'met' June Faver on line almost twelve years ago through Candace Havens' yahoo group. We were in a sprint group together. Since then we have become good friends. She was kind enough to offer me a place to sleep during one of my trips to Texas.
June is a superb writer, having Indie-published multiple books before signing with Source Books. Her Dark Horse series is an amazing collection. You'll want them all, trust me! Be sure to read all the way through to learn more about the goodies June is offering today.
So let me introduce you to June Faver
June/J.D. Faver loves Texas, from the Gulf coast to the
panhandle. Her novels embrace the heart and soul of the state and the
larger-than-life Texans who romp across her pages. A former teacher and
healthcare professional, she lives and writes in the Texas Hill Country.
Thank you
for joining me today in The Writers’ Studio. Let’s get started!
Here are my Top 5:
always asked ‘where do you get your ideas’. So, where do you get yours?
I have no
idea where the seed of a story idea comes from, but once I become obsessed with
it, I sometimes even dream the story. I’ve had to jump out of bed to make notes
before. Generally, the current book is always working in my brain. As I get to
know the characters better, they reveal their personalities, strengths and
weaknesses and idiosyncrasies.
comes first, the story, the characters, or the setting?
I wish I
could tell you that I have some kind of formula for writing, but that’s not the
case. I’m never at a loss for story
ideas. I do have a bulging file of WIPs (Works in Progress). Some will never be
finished, while burst forth into fruition. Once I got a story idea from a news
story about border immigration and another time someone said the phrase,
“throw-away babies” and I totally freaked out, but it sparked a story.
Which of
your heroines most represent you, or the ‘you’ you’d like to be? Why?
I think I’m
most like Chloe Solis in my South Padre Island series> Bad Medicine is the
first. She always leads with her heart. She is fiercely loyal and shares many
of my human frailties.
What is
the single most important part of writing for you?
I love to
write and would be writing even if my words never got published, but the most
thrilling part of writing is when someone reads and ‘gets it’. It’s the
ultimate validation.
Self-care seems to be a trend these days. What do you do to pamper yourself?
My days
start with a simple ritual of greeting the new day. I have Minx, a precious
small rescue dog (Rat Terrier/Chihuahua) and we go out early to perform our
ritual. Hers involves patrolling her domain to make sure there are no squirrels
or deer around. Yes, she will fiercely chase deer from our part of the woods.
After she ensures that we are safe, she comes to lie beside me on the porch,
her ears perked up and alert for danger. My part of the ritual involves sitting
in my big wicker chair, breathing, admiring the colors of the sky and listening
to the incredible bird songs, and most of all...finding my center. Just being
thankful. I water the growing things and make sure both bird baths are filled.
Yes, it’s a year round thing. Love to sit out in the rain. Minx, not so
June's Top 3:
How long have you been writing - have you
always wanted to be a writer?
My second grade teacher, Sister Anastasia, let me write, cast, direct,
and act in the 3-Act Plays I wrote. She gave me a box of colored chalk so I
could draw the sets on the 3 blackboards. She was my patron saint and gave a portal
for those stories to come tumbling out. Yes, I was 7 years old.
How much of your personality and life experiences are in your
LOTS!!! It just creeps in. I find myself writing in things that have
happened to me or someone I know...and I sometimes write a character with
mannerisms I’ve observed in others. No one is exempt.
If money were not an object, where would you most like to travel?
Anywhere with a white sand beach, gentle offshore breezes and lots of
seafood and fresh produce. Oh, and a sail boat. Heavenly.
Thanks for letting us get to know you a bit. Now let's talk about the book! I have been in love with this series from the beginning
Putting it all on the line for love...
Cowboy musician Tyler Garrett has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to put aside his rough-and-tumble rancher's lifestyle and realize his dream. He's on the road to Dallas to record a demo when that dream gets kicked sideways by a beautiful woman on the run.
Cowboy musician Tyler Garrett has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to put aside his rough-and-tumble rancher's lifestyle and realize his dream. He's on the road to Dallas to record a demo when that dream gets kicked sideways by a beautiful woman on the run.
Leah Benson will do whatever it takes to keep her daughter
safe. But when her dangerous past catches up with her, she needs a hero—and
luckily for her, Tyler Garrett was born and bred for the role.
Dark Horse Cowboys Series:
Do or Die Cowboy (Book 1)
Do or Die Cowboy (Book 1)
The dog began to lap noisily. Leah knelt down
beside him to run her hand over the silky fur. “Good boy” she whispered and
rose from her crouch. When she turned, she ran smack into a brick wall. A warm
muscled brick wall with arms. She stifled a scream as she pushed off the wall
and was gathered into a rough embrace.
“Easy, Leah.”
“Oh, Ty! You scared me.” Swallowing hard, she
braced her hands against his powerful bare chest. The sensation sent her heart
into a flutter. Longing surged through her. Longing for what, she wasn’t quite
certain, but longing nonetheless.
“Sorry,” he murmured, his voice deep and
raspy. “I thought Lucky was getting into something.” He held her firmly against
his warm torso.
She swallowed again. “N—No, I’m sorry I woke you.”
Gazing up, she couldn’t read his expression in the darkness.
He expelled a breath, staring down at her
moon-washed face. “You are just too pretty for my own good.”

Released August 28th, you will find your copy of DO OR DIE COWBOY on Amazon
Want to find out more about forthcoming books in the Dark Horse series? Check out June's Project Page
Here is your opportunity to win your very own copy of Do Or Die Cowboy!
Over the next 3 days, you have the opportunity to win just by leaving a comment below. You MUST leave a comment to be entered.
June is giving not one but THREE copies away. So I'm going give you the chance to win EVERY day. On Friday I will draw a name from Today, one from Tomorrow and one from Thursday. So make sure you come back every day and leave a comment. You can only win once, so if you your name is drawn for Today, then I'll draw another name for Wednesday/ Thursday.
If you are in the United States, you win a PRINT COPY! International comments will be eligible for an eBook copy. So EVERYONE has the opportunity to WIN!
Once you've read Do Or Die Cowboy, you can keep up with June Faver on the following Social Media sights:
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