Monday, September 28, 2020


 While I'd hoped I'd be over this sinus stuff by  now, I'm still battling. DayQuil seems to make me functionable but takes a couple hours for that to kick in.

I'm going to try and get back on track this week, though it may be sporadic. Please bear with me. Fall sinus stuff is just something I deal with.

So here's my TOP 3 for this week:

I'm not sure if I'll be back tomorrow but I do have the review for Wednesday ready to roll!

All my best

Wednesday, September 23, 2020



Good morning, everyone!

I know I promised you a review of A TEXAS KIND OF CHRISTMAS today but I've been down with a sinus infection since last Saturday. Lots of sinus meds, lots of sleep and very little else. 

I can tell you that I read Jodi's story (the headliner in this book) and LOVED the story. I want to read Celia Bonaduce and Rachael Mile's stories before giving the full review.

This means you have an additional week to leave comments on the first blog post, this one AND next week when I will post the review.

Happy Reading!

All my best

Thursday, September 17, 2020



With this Covid thing still hanging in, many of us are struggling for time to write, in spite of the fact we probably have more time than we ever have.

The truth is we all have the SAME AMOUNT OF TIME in any give day. Our problem is how we prioritize our tasks.

Today, I'm kicking off a series for Writer's Tip Thursday where I will be showcasing author quotes from Kelly L. Stone's book TIME TO WRITE. Clicking on the title will take you to the book on amazon. I'm also checking in with Kelly about guesting here to provide her insite behind the book.

Here is this week's tip:

"First of all, you have to set a schedule.

Whatever that is, you have to set it

and stick to it."

~ Karen Asp, freelance writer

Question for the day - 

Do you have a writing schedule? 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020



I am pleased to Shine the Author Spotlight on Jodi Thomas again on my blog. Jodi and I've gotten to know one another over the past several years. I am a big fan of her writing style and she has graciously autographed her books for me. (over a period of years, of course lol)

When Jodi approached me about showing off her latest release I was thrilled to help out.

Last year, I bought Jodi's Christmas book - A Texas Kind of Christmas. In a recent email, Jodi informed me that A TEXAS KIND OF CHRISTMAS recently won first place at the National Federation of Press Women's Communications Contest and her publisher is going to re-release it September 29.  

I will be reviewing the book on September 23rd AND giving away a copy to one lucky person leaving a comment on THIS post or the 23rd! (Pstt.. if you comment on both posts you'll double your chances of winning!)

On top of this fabulous news, Jodi headlines a new anthology coming out on October 27th

You can PRE-ORDER your copy now!

All of the stories are set in Texas post Civil War...
The Lone Star State doesn't have to be lonely during Christmas time!  The Civil War is over, Christmas is coming—and it's time for three rugged cowboys to hang-up their spurs and settle down. These authors combine their talents and excel at creating atmosphere and complex characters which infuse these stories with Texas history and evoke the grandeur of a bygone era and the indomitable pioneer spirit of the region. Prepare to be swept off your feet by these heroic cowboys who will stop at nothing to make sure this Christmas is one to remember. Ideal for gift giving, 

Jodi's story - FATHER GOOSE
Dispirited by war, when Trapper Morgan accepts a job hauling five little rich girls to Dallas, all he cares about is the money. He doesn't expect they'll awaken his spirit - or that their intriguing nursemaid, Carolina, will awaken his heart. And when danger strikes as Christmas Eve nears, he definitely doens't expect Carolina and the girls to risk their lives - for him. 

If you're new to Jodi Thomas, here's a bit of info:
Jodi Thomas is a New York Times bestselling author and fifth-generation Texan who sets many of her award-winning stories in her home state, where her grandmother was born in a covered wagon. A multi-RITA Award winner and member of the prestigious Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame, she’s written over 50 novels with millions of copies in print. Her most recent releases are The Little Tea Shop on Main and the first book in her new Honey Creek series, Breakfast at the Honey Creek Café is out now.  

You'll find Jodi at the following Social Media streams:

Monday, September 14, 2020

TOP 3 - Back in the Groove

Good afternoon, everyone!

Apologies for the delay in today's post. We have a glorious day in the Ozarks and I've been busy playing Suzy Homemaker. I have laundry on the line, carrot/ zuccini muffins cooling on the counter, buttercup squash ready to be mashed up for a casserole for dinner and dishes yet to be done. 

This is why consistency is a problem for me. I was raised with a 1950s housewife mentality. From the time I was 9, I was helping around the house. When most kids were watching Saturday morning cartoons I was helping in the kitchen, putting laundry on the line or dusting all the little nick nacks in our living room. When laundry came off the line, I would be tackling the ironing pile while watching craft shows on PBS or classic (now) black and white movies.  I will be 59 next week and that is still who I am. 

But I am also a crafter and a writer and I'm trying to mainstream my focus on those to avenues. 

To that end, where this blog is concerned, every Monday I'll bring you my Top 3 for the week as they pertain to writing.  I am so ready beyond concious thought to get back to writing. 

Share your Top 3 and let's bust this week together!

Monday, September 7, 2020



Today's post is all about that big red button. Kind of reminds me of Red Nose Day from Walgreens.

I've sat for over six months,  not doing much of anything. Why?

Well, the reason finally came to me last weekend. I haven't been using my blog/ editorial boards or my planners since the end of February... when I started the reorganization of the studio/ office. 

I am a VERY visual person. Even during my days of selling Christmas Around the World, House of Lloyd and Undercover Wear whenever there was a promotion, I would buy a sheet of poster board and create a chart to track my progress towards a goal.

Saturday, I pulled out mynotepad and decided there were changes to be made.

1- Work only with blogs that bring me joy.

I had six blogs. I am dropping one for sure, a second is on a test market basis. Two (including this one) focus on building a readership for books I want to write. One is  my creative (daytime business) blog and the final one is one that truly brings me joy - my music blog. I review CDs, showcase artists, etc. While I don't make money from that, I am so richly rewarded with perks and friends I wouldn't trade for anything.

2 - Still In Debate

I started the Ozarks Journal blog back when I first met the Polish Sinfonia and needed a place to post pictures from the grade school students so that the orchestra members could all go look at them. I still like the blog idea but I'm making a couple of changes.

I want to keep talking about prepping, my garden and household. I was talking 'household' on the weightloss blo, after all a clean house does make for a better self-journey but something in me decided I could keep the household with the Ozarks Journal. I mean, I LIVE in the Ozarks. LOL So OJ will be more about my corner of the Ozarks and our home here.

 3- Staying on Task

This required evaluating what I really want to do.

I want to write

I want the Etsy shop or some other sales form to destash my stuff and let it bring joy to others.

For that reason, I am putting a more solid YouTube stream in place, getting my shop open and Keeping THIS blog but with a few changes. I'll be talking about those on Friday.

4 - More time to craft and to write.

I still have book series I want/ need to write. I'm starting back to a regular writing schedule next week. Hopefully, by the time Bob comes home I will have a routine where even if I only take thirty minutes, the words will flow.

Overall Goals

To create beautiful things while destashing our home

To stay more on Task

To write more books

To have a financial plan in place that has the house paid off in two years.

 I'm not saying these goals will be easy, but with visuals in place  I have a much better shot

I'm spending the rest of this week getting posts written/ scheduled, batch-recording videos and putting the office back together from company last week.

I will see you back here on Friday (September 11)  to talk about the new schedule and give you a final flip-through of my Ausgust Assembly Line Junk Journal Challenge journal.

until then...