Monday, March 1, 2021

TOP 3 3-1-21

 Good morning, everyone!

Can I just say that having my husband home four weeks is both a blessing and a curse. Well, not a curse exactly but an interruption for sure. 

I've been asked how I will manage my time when he retires. That answer is simple, really. He will be home all the time. I won't feel like I need to squeeze a life time into twenty-one days. One of the reasons Bob and I've been married thirty-seven years is because we communicate with one another. We talk about everything and we don't keep secrets except when it comes to gifts. 

He knows that if my writing and crafting are going to be supplemental income for us then I will have to work a schedule. I need all day Sunday and Monday a couple of times a month to get blog posts done ahead of time.  I will also need a power writing day as well as a couple of hours every evening. 

I don't know if it has to be with my OCD or squirrel syndrome but once I'm in a project, I need to plow through. When I stop at some point before the end then I need to almost go back to the beginning and walk my way through til I get to where I left off. That is an exhausting journey. 

Writing, for instance, is something I can do in short spurts without that return to the beginning time of activity... as long as I finish a scene or at the very least a POV (point of view) then I can pick up where I left off next time. 

Having multiple projects in the same creative vein is also something I do not do well. I wind up with a mess that is a definite creative buzz kill. Let me finish this project, clear the decks then move on to the next. I'm working on that. 

My word for 2021 is CONTROL. I have to take control of my life, my house, my businesses or I'll be stuck in quick sand and accomplish nothing.  That's why I set a TOP 3 every week.  Actually, I set a Top 3 for my writing and another for my creativity. 

So here's my Top 3 for this week:

Getting as many of the March blog posts scheduled helps free up a lot of time as well as letting me work on one main project.  

#2 kind of goes along with #3. I still want to launch my AuthorTube. I want to share what I'm learning from Sarra Cannon as well as Alexis aka Miss Trenchcoat. I also know I'm not alone on this indie-publishing path. Watching videos from established indie authors is great but I also feel there needs to be a discussion with newbies. There is something empowering in knowing you are not alone. As the traditional pubs begin to become fewer and fewer, more and more smaller publishers are coming into the light. There are those of us who are individual small publishers... meaning we publish our own books and no one else. 

Regardless of the chosen path, this journey is not for the faint of heart. Let's hold each other up and reach our goals... whatever they may be. 

I'm often reminded of a scene from Pretty Woman where the guy says "Welcome to Hollywood. What's Your Dream?" (of all the Pretty Woman gifs out there, I couldn't find one of him and I think his single line is the most poignant of the entire film).

So tell me, What's YOUR Dream? Then set your Top 3.

All my best

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