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2017 Storyteller Awards -
for Excellence in the Art of Storytelling
Contest Rules and Guidelines
One $10 Entry Fee allows you to enter as many categories as you wish BUT only 1 entry per category.
Contest Rules:
Winners must be present to accept award
Only one entry per category
Only those registered to attend the conference may enter
Entries must be formatted properly for the category entered, double spaced, 12 point font.
Please do not put your name on your entry.
Include a cover sheet with:
category number and name
your name, address, phone number and email address.
Send one copy of entry with cover sheet, unless otherwise requested in the category to:
Venessa McDaniel Cerasale
1706 SE P Street
Bentonville AR 72712
You may send your ONE TIME $10 entry fee with your contest entries or pay through Paypal:
You may send your ONE TIME $10 entry fee with your contest entries or pay through Paypal:
Deadline to Enter - February 22, 2017
Entries will not be returned unless otherwise noted. Entry will be destroyed if all rules are not followed.
1 – Best Book of the Year – Northwest Arkansas Writers Workshop
$100 – Must have been published between Jan 2015 and July 2016, no restrictions on genre or length. Send one copy of the published book (no ms please) Judges will be drawn from the Northwest Arkansas Writers Workshop.
$100 – Must have been published between Jan 2015 and July 2016, no restrictions on genre or length. Send one copy of the published book (no ms please) Judges will be drawn from the Northwest Arkansas Writers Workshop.
2 – Best Book Manuscript – Cassville Writers – $50 Winner. Send the first chapter and a five page synopsis of your book in any genre. Double spaced, properly formatted. No erotica.
3 – Flash Fiction – Linda Sartin – $50 to winner – 99 words, any genre. Double spaced. No erotica.
4. Fiction – Author’s Anonymous –- $50 First Place winner only. Short Story, any genre. 1500-3000 word count, Times New Roman 12pt, double spaced.
5 – Play Writing – Actor’s Casting Agency- Grand prize is publication with Shamrock Press. Whole manuscript of a play or screenplay, doesn’t matter how many acts. Full scripts. No limit on length.
6 – Poetry – Ozark Poets & Writers Collective, Fayetteville, AR.
1st Place $70 + a large pile of poetry books. 2nd Place $30 + a small pile of poetry books. 1 Honorable Mention + a small pile of poetry books: Open to any form of poetry, with a theme of entropy and/or ectropy, which means things that are breaking down or spiraling out of control and its complement which is increasing order of the building up of things. A good example would be how the ocean or other body of water can either rob the ground of sand/soil to build up a shore, or how it can tear away at a shore and cause collapse as that soil returns to the ground underwater. You may look at it scientifically or metaphorically in any way that you interpret those life forces. Length: maximum 42 lines. Winner will be chosen by a committee of judges.
1st Place $70 + a large pile of poetry books. 2nd Place $30 + a small pile of poetry books. 1 Honorable Mention + a small pile of poetry books: Open to any form of poetry, with a theme of entropy and/or ectropy, which means things that are breaking down or spiraling out of control and its complement which is increasing order of the building up of things. A good example would be how the ocean or other body of water can either rob the ground of sand/soil to build up a shore, or how it can tear away at a shore and cause collapse as that soil returns to the ground underwater. You may look at it scientifically or metaphorically in any way that you interpret those life forces. Length: maximum 42 lines. Winner will be chosen by a committee of judges.
7 – Song Writing – Crow Johnson Evans
$30 First Place; $20 Second Place – Each entry must include double-spaced typed lyric
and a digital form of the song (CD or audio cassette).
Lyrics and music must be created by the applicant and not yet published.
All copyrights will remain with the authors/composers. Each songwriter will receive written constructive criticism.
Criteria for judging will be: Match of music style and lyrics; Hook, arresting idea, memorable message and title; Strength or grab of the first verse; Sing-ability of the chorus; Does it make the listener want to hear it again?
What will not be considered: Quality of performance; Any introductory comments; Musicianship; Profanity.
$30 First Place; $20 Second Place – Each entry must include double-spaced typed lyric
and a digital form of the song (CD or audio cassette).
Lyrics and music must be created by the applicant and not yet published.
All copyrights will remain with the authors/composers. Each songwriter will receive written constructive criticism.
Criteria for judging will be: Match of music style and lyrics; Hook, arresting idea, memorable message and title; Strength or grab of the first verse; Sing-ability of the chorus; Does it make the listener want to hear it again?
What will not be considered: Quality of performance; Any introductory comments; Musicianship; Profanity.
8. Water Color Art – The John Lisle Award – First Place $300, Second Place $200, Third Place $100. Water Color Size 15 x 22 or 22 x 30. Entries are to be taken to the Storyteller conference Saturday a.m. and delivered to the registration table where judge(s) will pick up. Work may be picked up by artist following the awards banquet Sat. night.
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