Tuesday, September 21, 2021


  Good morning, everyone!

I'm way behind on posting. Between Bob being home, company his first few days then being 'off my feed' the last few days he was home... I just haven't done much. In fact, yesterday was the first day in months I actually dressed in 'office' clothes and focused on work.

So today...

Today, I'm shining the spotlight on a new Boroughs author - Daisy Knox. She has come out of the chute with a bang, but we'll get to her book in a moment.

Here's a bit about Daisy Knox:

Reading is a lifelong passion and mysteries have always been the holy grail. It began with Trixie Belden and the Hardy Boys, graduating to JD Robb and Greg Iles. From the whimsical antics of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum to the grit and shock of Dennis Lebane’s Kenie & Gennaro series, I love them all, and everything in between.

Daisy’s addicted to music and all her books have soundtracks because everything in her head happens to music. Her first novel, Go For Broke, is coming September 2021 from Boroughs Publishing. She’s also addicted to podcasts and hopes to one day write the scene where Cady is interviewed by Nick and the Captain because True Crime Garage is her favorite.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, son and the world’s derpiest but most lovable dog and is counting the days until the world meets Cady and her friends.

Well, the day is here. Go For Broke released on September 9th with 3.5 stars (Only 11 reviews so far). Daisy shouldn't worry about that number. As more people read/ review Go For Broke, those stars will light up!

(ONLY 11 REVIEWS SO FAR). Daisy shouldn't worry about that number. As more people read/ review Go For Broke, those stars will light up!

GO FOR BROKE is a romantic suspense sure to please the reader. I can't offer a review. For some reason Kindle and I are arguing at the moment. But you can be sure when the kink is worked out, I'll be curling up with this one.

Here's the blurb:

Cady Blackwell is a victim of her own bad judgment: dating the biggest losers, attracting a stalker, and unknowingly accepting a job that's gotta be illegal.

She can’t quit until she finds a way to protect herself from being framed for her bosses' crimes, plus she wants to stay alive and out of prison.

But nothing’s easy when she’s distracted by a charming financier and a f-boy detective. She's in way over her head, and she's fighting for her life.

Her only chance for survival is to put her faith in the instincts she stopped trusting long ago.

It’s time to go for broke, which will either save her or cost her everything.

You can purchase your copy of GO FOR BROKE via the following links:


You will find Daisy Knox by clicking on any of the links below:


We'll be back here on Thursday with a writing tip from this new author then Friday, we'll take a peek at the space where she is inspired!

All my best


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