Monday, December 7, 2020

TOP 3 - December 7, 2020

 This has been a year! 

I don't know what 2021 has in store for us but I know that I am laying the ground work now for a successfull year ahead. 

One of the things I have planned is to release not one but two books in the Planned To Perfection series. 

While on my road trip I spent an evening in a hotel binge-watching Sarra Cannon's plotting series on youtube. Here's the PLAYLIST. With my Plotting Notebook and pen in hand, I went to work trying to figure out what wasn't working with Book 2. 

I FOUND IT! Thank you, Sarra Cannon for a fabulous free course. You broke through the dam and helped me see what I was missing. 

With the new plotting notes at hand, I'm spending some time every day/ evening actually writing again!

I'm also hard at work prepping my office, as well as the rest of the house, for Christmas decorations. I'm determined the entire village is going up in the office this year. I've not had the whole community up since we moved here over twelve years ago. I've since added pieces and it's important to me to set them up. At least in my office, I can set the village up then close the door - keeping the cats from walking through like Godzillas. ;-)

What's on your Top 3 this week? How are you preparing for this out-of-norm holiday season?
Please share in the comments below. We could all use ideas during this time.

All my best

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