While I have a lot of favorite classic Christmas movies, this has become one of my favorites because the movie led me to a new friend this year. Merry Christmas, Gregg McBride!
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Friday, December 24, 2021
Merry Christmas Eve!
Are you celebrating with family today? Ready for the big day tomorrow?
I have two movies left to share. Today's trailer showcases one of my 'must watch' every year. I can say I did watch the follow up to this one (A Christmas Kiss 2) but the cast and feel of the movie missed the mark from the original A Christmas Kiss.
Thursday, December 23, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
Hallmark movies are the best!
I know I've not included the classic Miracle on 34th Street. That one is kind of a given. But I do have three more exceptional movies from Hallmark left to share this week!
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Good morning!
Today is a replay from last week as I inadvertently posted the video on the wrong Wednesday. :-) So if you missed them the first time around, here ya go!
I'm giving you two this week because The Nine Kittens of Christmas was a follow-up to The Nine Lives of Christmas... who can resist a hunk fireman?!
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
While this isn't technically a 'Christmas' movie, a couple of items crossed over to other holiday movies. See if you can spot them!
Monday, December 20, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
I'm doing something different this year. Instead of the usual single Christmas post on Christmas Day, I thought I'd share trailers from some of my favorites, leading up to a new favorite and a new friend, on Christmas Day.
I'm listing them day by day in no particular order.
Friday, December 17, 2021
THE WRITER'S NEST - Beth Bartlett
Good morning, everyone!
Unless I've scheduled something I forgot about (hey it's been a month!) this will be the last official post of 2021.
Today, we are visiting the Writer's Nest of my friend and author, Beth Bartlett. You met her on Tuesday and again yesterdy, so let's jump right in to seeing where all that freelance money she earns is generated!
Him Beth! Thanks for joining me in the studio today.
Describe your writing nest?
It’s a comfy space tucked in the corner of my wildly cluttered office. My desk is a thrifted one, it’s shaped like a giant book, it even has a title and author on the spine. I love it. I also have a TV as a screen to reduce eyestrain. Pop culture and geeky stuff is my hobby, so I have a lot of nerdy bits and pieces, and lovely little things my husband has made for me. Behind me are posters and signed art from the people and events in my life. The sun comes in through a window to the side, making it a bright, encouraging space for me.
What is it about this space that
inspires you?
Part of it is the natural light,
part of it is having room for a bookshelf. The third component is the collection
of doodles and drawings and prints. The energy of nature, the energy of friends
and loved ones, together.
Has finding your space been an
evolving journey? How so?
I have written articles while
sitting in cars with my (now departed) Netbook, at restaurant tables on my
phone, on park benches, in libraries, you name it. I always thought the trick
to finding the best writing space is to carry most of it within you. After
working on the 2022 Writer’s Planner, I realize that planners and journals are
so much easier to create in a stable setting with a desktop computer so I can
see each space and line up close. But when I play with fiction, I need to be
very relaxed. So I pop open the laptop and occasionally write in bed, with a
cat snuggled beside me. I’ve learned to accept that certain places evoke
different mindsets in me, and to work with that.
Anything you would change?
I love the desk and my office, but
it’s in town, located in a business that my husband and I run. We live in a
very small place in the woods. My ultimate writer’s nest is a simple computer
desk, in a small home office of my own, art on the walls and a window with the
sun shining through, in a house we have yet to build.
What advice would you give to
someone looking to build their own nest?
Surround yourself with things that
comfort you or excite you, or both. You don’t have to have something straight
out of a magazine spread to create, you just have to feel that it is yours. If
something resonates with you, include it. Your nest can be a nook in the living
room, a full office, or a night stand. When Erma Bombeck began her career, she
wrote newspaper columns on a makeshift desk consisting of a plank balanced on
two cinder blocks in her bedroom. Work with what you have, make it what you
want, and when you sit there, you’ll feel that delicious creative energy
flowing through you.
Great ideas, Beth. Thank you so much for being here. Hope to see you in real time soon!
You'll find Beth by clicking on the following links:
All my best
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
We are back with Beth Bartlett with a great writing tip!
Write everything down! Use those eleventy-thousand pristine notebooks every writer has stored, and get every idea on the page. You'll never know when it will come in handy!
You'll find Beth on the folowing links:
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
I wasn't planning on much of anything for blog posts for December, until I got an email from a dear friend announcing the release of her new 'writing planner'. Being my friend and the word 'planner' in the subject line, I couldn't pass up getting one more Writer's Nest week posts up. So here we go!
Today, I'm introducing you to Beth Bartlett. I've known her and her husband for over twenty years. Let's share a bit about her:
Beth is married to a magician and lives in Arkansas. She is a self-proclaimed pop-culture geek. She writes on many topics, although her current focus is entertainment and pop culture.
The 2022 Writers Planner is made
for writers, by a writer. The weekly format offers plenty of room for notes,
plus famous authors’ birthdays and writing-related holidays to keep you
Now about that writing planner. If you are a freelance writer, this is the perfect tool for your business.
Compact in size, measuring only 6" x 9", perfect for dropping into your bag or taking up minimal space on your desk.
On the inside, you start with a brainstorming page. Then each month is laid out with a Week on One Page (Sunday -Saturday). The last full week of the month has a corresponding page for Submissions Tracker and another for Upcoming Deadlines. I did notice that throughout the planner, sometimes the Submissions came first, then Deadlines and vice versa. None the less, the information is still in one place - at the end of each month.
The Weekly Pages have large enough blocks (1" x 4-1/2") for making notes as well as some corresponding holidays to trigger potential article ideas.There are several pages in the very back for making notes.
If I were still doing freelance, I would use this planner daily. I'm still going to, and here's why.
This planner would make a great Social Media planner. You can track ideas, make notes of potential social media posts related to holidays, etc. Use the Brainstorming/ Notes pages for writing down ideas for blog/ youtube/ IG/ twitter/ FB posts as they come to you. This planner is compact enough to keep in your bag on the go for when ideas strike!
Because of the great layout and multiple uses, I'm giving the 2022 Writer's Planner...
You'll find Beth by clicking on any of the following links:
Please come back on Thursday for a great writer tip from Beth then again on Friday as we peek inside her Writer's Nest.
All my best
Monday, November 29, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
This is the last motivational post with a NanoWriMo undercurrent. National Novel Month ends tomorrow! How've you done? I'd love to hear how your month went.
As we approach the new year; a time when everyone sets new goals, here is something to keep in mind:
Friday, November 26, 2021
FRIDAY PHOTO - The Day After Thanksgiving!
Good morning, everyone!
I hope everyone had a pleasant day yesterday. Plenty of good food and family... and a memory or two. That's what today's Friday Photo is all about...
Monday, November 22, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
Saturday, November 20, 2021
FRIDAY PHOTO On Saturday - Play Monopoly Day
Good morning, everyone!
NOTE: I really wanted to inclulde this post but yesterday was Writer's Nest so I'm posting this one today. Have fun!
I think most every household in America (and around the world) has owned a monopoly board game at one time or another so seems fitting the game should have its own day.
Write a memory of playing Monopoly or include the game in your current story.
With just the two of us, Bob and I have found we prefer a card game version called DEAL. Santa brought us a deck a couple of years ago. When Bob is home, the deck/ card holder never leave the dining room table. We are on our second deck. This particular deck is hard to find. The newer one is harder to read. The deck we have is shown in the video below.
All my bestFriday, November 19, 2021
THE WRITER'S NEST - Ruth Mitchell
Good morning!
I look forward to our Writer's Nest posts. I love peeking inside other author's spaces to see where they create their stories.
Today, we're looking inside the nest of Arkansas author, Ruth Mitchell. You met her earlier in the week. Now, let's find out more about where she writes.
Welcome, Ruth!
Describe your writing nest?
write on a small antique library desk using a surface laptop and sit in a
comfortable, but inexpensive swivel office chair with arm rests. My desk looks
out a window into the woods where I often see deer grazing in the yard. There
is a walking/bike trail just beyond and sometimes I am surprised by hikers or mountain bike riders whipping down the slope.
What is it about this space that inspires you?
The natural light of the window, the surprise visitors in my yard.
Has finding your space been an evolving journey? How so?
No, we moved to this house 3 years ago and I knew
instantly this would be my office.
Anything you would change?
wouldn’t let my husband have a desk in here too, but he is rarely at his
computer anymore.
Other books by Ruth include her first fiction - White Oak as well as her non-fiction about co-dependency... Living Happy, Joyous and Free.
You may purchase your copy on B & N and Amazon
You will find Ruth on social media via the following links:
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
Our Writer's Nest guest, Ruth Mitchell offers this writing tip:
Get comfortable. For me natural
light is essential with a view. My last office looked out over the mountains;
the one before, over a beautiful lake where eagles often fished from a tall
pine outside my window.
You'll find Ruth through the following links:
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Good morning, readers!
First off, I have no clue what happened to last Thursday's Writer's Tip. I scheduled all of them for November. We'll see what happens this week.
Today, I'm shining the spotlight on our Writer's Nest author, Ruth Mitchell. I met Ruth at the Ozark Creative Writer's conference last month. She is soft-spoken, pleasant and passionate about her subjects.
Ruth Mitchell has led an exciting
and adventurous life through her careers as a novelist, freelance writer,
travel writer, publisher, editor, columnist, entrepreneur, and jewelry
designer. Her non-fiction articles have appeared in Art & Antiques, The San
Francisco Bay Guardian, American History, Fodor's USA Travel Guide and Fodor's
Great American Vacations, Watercolor, American Style, Niche, Wedding Dresses,
and Sailing magazines. Ruth also wrote Arkansas Heritage, a state adopted
Arkansas history textbook for elementary aged children.
a world where ghosts can be seen (but not heard) on computer screens via
artificial intelligence and the collaboration of ‘seeing’ dogs. Follow the
story of Laura Haskell, a fantasy writer, and her beautiful white German
Shepherd, Cloud.
Laura is a successful author who needs to get
sober. She lives in a haunted hotel in San Francisco with Cloud, who can see
the ghosts. When Sean Wilson appears in her life, everything changes.
Ghosts have puzzled the living for as long as
humans have walked the earth. Beyond takes the reader on a journey which
reconciles the questions of their plausibility. Sean and his crew revolutionize
how ghostly apparitions are perceived through the use of Artificial Intelligence.
This leads to discovering who Laura's mysterious grandfather was and sparks an
unlikely romance between Laura and Sean, but will they stay together?
As Laura sobers up her life changes for the
better. She finishes the book she has been struggling with, captures Sean's
heart, and has a faceoff with an Etheric Revenant. Once the family ghosts have
been identified, the ratings for Sean's reality ghost show skyrocket and Cloud
becomes famous, creating a new set of challenges.
Readers are in for a rollercoaster ride as they
suspend their belief and get to know Cloud and his unique perspective as well
as the ghost of Laura's eccentric grandmother who once was a celebrated Madam,
serving the elite gentlemen of San Francisco. If you are one who enjoys a fast paced,
exhilarating read with mind-expanding ideas presented in a skillfully written
and entertaining fashion, then this book is for you.
For me, personally, this book was not my style. While the scientific approach is interesting, I found the overall structure of the story difficult to follow. The head-hopping (switching from one point of view to another) within the same scene is a major flaw, especially when one of those persepctives is Cloud's. While Cloud's perspective is a fun, quirky aspect, he still has to be treated as any other character.
Ruth does portray the struggle with alcohol additiction well, and the growth of Laura's character with the help of ghost hunter, Sean. (she had me at the Scottish brogue and green eyes) I wanted to see more of Laura, from her head and less from Cloud's.
I was also confused at first by the hotel being in San Francisco rather than The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs AR she appeared to be portraying. As someone who knows the area, my head was in the original Crescent while Ruth was trying to convince me we were in San Francisco.
Without giving too much away, I flipped through pages of what appeared to come directly from Wikipedia in complete context. While this may have worked for Ruth's non-fiction books, the same rules do not apply to fiction. Alexis is not a character nor did I want to read encyclpedia description. Instead, I would like to have been inside Laura's head, getting her take on what she was hearing Alexis tell us.
Ruth can tell a good story and she constructs beautiful, realistic characters.
Fiction and non-Fiction rules have very different profiles. I encourage Ruth to find a good critique group who knows fiction writing.
I'm giving BEYOND....
Other books by Ruth include her first fiction - White Oak as well as her non-fiction about co-dependency... Living Happy, Joyous and Free.
You will find Ruth on social media via the following links:
Monday, November 15, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
Welcome to a new week. I feel this quote is especially important this week.
Friday, November 12, 2021
FRIDAY PHOTO - Chicken Soup for the Soul
Good morning, everyone!
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
Like a lot of people, I'm getting into the Holiday spirit. The new Hallmark movies are out as well as reruns of classics - a point I'll come back to in just a moment.
Today, I'm shining the spotlight on author, Jenny Hale. What I didn't realize until this morning is that I've enjoyed Jenny's work for several years - via the Hallmark Channel. You can see her media credits HERE.
If you've seen Coming Home For Christmas or Christmas Wishes & Mistletoe Kisses on the Hallmark Channel then you've enjoyed Jenny's craftsmanship. I would not be surprised to see A Lighthouse Christmas join the list in the next year or two.
Here's a little bit about author, Jenny Hale:
Jenny Hale
is a USA Today, Amazon, and international bestselling author of romantic
contemporary fiction. Her books have sold worldwide, have been translated into
multiple languages, and adapted for television. Her novels Coming Home for
Christmas and Movie Guide Epiphany Award winner Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe
Kisses are Hallmark Channel original movies.
She was included in Oprah Magazine’s “19 Dreamy Summer Romances to Whisk You Away” and Southern Living’s “30 Christmas Novels to Start Reading Now.” Her stories are chock-full of feel-good romance and overflowing with warm settings, great friends, and family.
Jenny is at work on her next novel, delighted to be bringing even more heartwarming stories to her readers. When she isn’t writing, or heading up her romantic fiction imprint Harpeth Road, she can be found running around her hometown of Nashville with her husband, two boys, and their labradoodle, taking pictures—her favorite pastime.
This Christmas,
Mia Broadhurst must return to her family and the snow-covered seaside village
of Winsted Cape. It’s the magical place where Grandma Ruth ran the historic
lighthouse on the edge of the coast, the place where Mia’s fondest childhood
memories lie.
Forced to sell it after her grandmother passes away, Mia can’t bear to part with the house she holds most dear. The lighthouse has been in their family for generations—but with her life back in New York, and her mother and sister unable to afford the upkeep, she has no choice but to sell.
With the glittering snow falling in record amounts this holiday, Mia works with real estate agent Will Thacker to restore the old lighthouse and prepare it for sale. And as they stage the home with twinkling Christmas trees and fresh greenery, she tries not to get lost in his deep blue eyes that are as stormy as the Atlantic Ocean. After all, she’s only back for Christmas…
As the fire crackles, Mia packs up Grandma Ruth’s personal belongings. But waiting for her is a black-and-white photograph with a faded inscription on the back—the key to a secret hidden for decades. And that’s not the only thing she finds.
When everything goes wrong, Mia starts to wonder if her grandmother is trying to tell her something. Could the truth save the lighthouse this Christmas and show Mia where her heart truly belongs?
While I've enjoyed the movies Jenny's books have inspired, this is the first one of her books, I've read. I could not stop swiping the screen until I had give up and call it a night. (Regardless of what time I go to bed, I'm up by 5 a.m.) If I'm to accomplish completing my own book this month I needed sleep.
At first, I wasn't sure I was going to like the writing style and found a name confusion that may or may not be straightened out by the end of the book. If that is the case, I'm surprised the characters didn't at least hint at the similarity. I'll leave you to read the book to see how that comes out.
I loved Felix's character. This little boy will steal your heart. Everyone is different in their own way, but those differences can also be their strengths. Christmas is about coming home... or in Felix's case, staying in the place that brought him comfort when he often felt like an outsider.
Overall, I loved the book and hope it's contracted with Hallmark because I'm ready to curl up with a cup of mulled cider and nutter butter cookies to see the characters represented on the screen.
You can catch up with Jenny Hale via the following links:
SPOTLIGHT & REVIEW - Dinner on Primrose Hill - Jodi Thomas
Good morning, everyone!
I'm back today with another book from a dear friend, Jodi Thomas.
I want to be her when I grow up. LOL
Dinner on Primrose Hill is next in the Honey Creek series.
To read more about Jodi Thomas, you can check out one of my Author Spotlight on her HERE.
Benjamin Monroe is pretty sure how his life will play out. He’ll continue teaching chemistry in his small college, and spend his free time biking through the valley. Eventually, he’ll retire to putter around in his garden and greenhouse.
His colleague, Virginia Clark, is not one for routines. She’s chatty, spontaneous, and bubbly, and before Benjamin realizes what happened, she’s talked him into collaborating on a research project—studying the mating habits of college students. Virginia knows her desire to work with Benjamin is motivated by more than the potential prize money . . . and hopes he might not be quite as indifferent as he seems to be.
Ketch Kincaid, one of Benjamin’s star students, returned to college after serving in the army. He needs something to get his mind off his recent breakup and collecting research data might do it. And there’s another distraction on the horizon—a woman who looks like she, too, knows about heartache. Soon enough, their project, “The Chemistry of Mating,” is gaining notoriety. Friends, neighbors . . . the whole town has become involved. But no matter what the data determines, one conclusion seems inescapable: love follows its own rules . . .
Every time Jodi Thomas takes us back to Honey Creek, I miss the Texas Hill Country just a little bit more.
Jodi is always on point with her characters - keeping them true to who they are and their surroundings. Her books are well-written, cleanly edited and her covers are frame-worthy. Debbi Macomber says Dinner on Primrose Hill is "compelling and beautifully written". I couldn't have said it better.
I'm giving Dinner on Primrose Hill:
Monday, November 8, 2021
Friday, November 5, 2021
Thursday, November 4, 2021
WRITER TIP THURSDAY - Garrett Robinson
Good morning, everyone!
With a lot of us participating in NanoWriMo, I though this tip timely.
I talked about writing sprints in my video HERE.
Today's writer's tip comes from YouTuber Garrett Robinson on 6 Tips for Better Writing Sprints.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Good morning, everyone!
I have officially completed my Nano Prep and uploaded weekly videos about the prep with some tips that I hope, if you've not started already, will help get you on your path to a successful National Novel Writing Month.
Here's the link to my YouTube Channel

Thursday, October 28, 2021
Good morning, friends!
We are three days away from NanoWrimo2021. Where has this year gone?!
Today, I want to share a very special lady with you. Sarra Cannon has been my mentor for several years. I aspire to have her dedication. I keep saying if Sarra can do it, so can I!
Sarra and her family are living a vagabond life at the moment. Through circumstances with their previous lease, then builders canceling contracts left and right - including on what she thought was her dream home - Sarra has stayed up beat, positive, and encouraging to herself and others. Their family are testing various areas of the US to see if there's someplace they are supposed to be. I have four words...
Today's video talks about her Preptober workbook. I encourage you to watch the video as well as subscribe to her channel and click to get notifications. We're all hoping, in her vagabond status, she'll have time to update our Nano tracker for 2021. But we'll make it work if she can't. We get it!
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Good morning, everyone.
Bob just left and I'm back to work in full swing.
Halloween is my favorite holiday and just a few days away. With that in mind I thought this book by Brooklyn Ann was a fitting choice for review.
Formerly an auto-mechanic, Brooklyn Ann thrives on writing romance featuring unconventional heroines and heroes who adore them. Author of historical paranormal romance in her critically acclaimed “Scandals with Bite” series, urban fantasy in the cult favorite, “Brides of Prophecy” novels, and the award winning, “Hearts of Metal Series, she's now writing the "B Mine" series, horror romances riffing on the 1970s and 1980s horror movies.
She lives in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho with her gamer son, rockstar/IT Guy boyfriend, and four cats.
See more on her Website.
Bookish, broken yet beautiful, Amelia Craven is trapped. Trapped by controlling best friend Tiffany, trapped dating shallow guys, and trapped into joining Amteep university’s only sorority, the Omega Pis. But things go from bad to worse when she discovers the final initiation for pledges involves spending Halloween night inside the infamous Raimi House – a dark hell hole of macabre deaths and tales of demonic possession.
The only saving grace: she’ll get to share it with her secret crush, Guillermo Romero, and being there together is the only way she'll tell him how she truly feels. That is if they can survive the night inside the most haunted house in town.
A love-song homage to Eighties classic horror films, this rollercoaster ride is filled with scares, guts and gore – plus a true romance that might be the one thing that will be their salvation.
I did not want to put this book down! Brooklyn stays true to her characters, writes amazing description without losing the story. If you're a fan of 1980s horror movies, then this read is right up your dark alley!
Grab your copy for the perfect Halloween read! I'm giving HER HALLOWEEN PARTY...