Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Good morning, friends!

I picked up a new-to-me author this week and I'm loving her writing style. Let me tell you a bit about Tara Pammi.

Tara writes messy, imperfectly perfect characters who find acceptance and love with other messy, imperfect people! Her romance novels cover the gamut of human experience with love  from sweet and flirty to emotional and heartwrenching. In a good way! 

Tara lives in Washington with her very own Hero and two Heroines-in-making.

When she isn’t writing or reading, Tara can be found failing in the kitchen, binge-reading or binge-watching, or making resolutions in her pretty planner to exercise more, or even a little.

Ooooo She's a planner girl!

 I picked up  TWINS TO TAME HIM last week and have been anxious to read this Harlequin Presents. I'll be posting my review tomorrow. In the mean time, I invite you to check out her links below.



All my best!
~ Angela


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