Wednesday, June 26, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - Sweet-Talkin' Maverick

 Good morning, friends.

Overcast and rain for most of today. Those are lay-in-bed late days and that's just what I did. Coffee, Pinterest scrolling and the company of a tabby cat are the best elements to starting a day. 

But you are more interested in my thoughts of this weeks review, so lets get to it!

I mentioned yesterday I'd already reviewed Book 2 but did not realize that until I saw SWEET TALKIN' MAVERICK in my BookBub newsletter. If you're not a subscriber, you should be. The newsletter is a great way to find new-to-you authors usually as a FREE Kindle read or at a much lower price point. What are you waiting for? Oh... right after the review, please. 


The Last Single Sanchez in Bronco

Businessman turned landowner Dylan Sanchez is a dealmaker…and a heartbreaker. The rookie rancher insists he will never amble down the bridal path—even though everyone in town seems determined to see him put a ring on, well, someone! So when he asks Robin Abernathy for her help with the Broken Road Ranch, she knows better than to pin any hopes on him, no matter how long she’s been hiding her crush on the wannabe cowboy. But the two opposites soon find a surprising connection that has the whole town talking…


First off, I loved Robin's approach to trying to get closer to the cowboy she has a mad crush on by stepping totally out of her comfort zone and into a baking competition. Keep in mind, Robin is no girly-girl. She's smart, focused, and doesn't worry too much about her appearance. She's a rancher and a rancher's daughter. Appearance doesn't matter to the heifer birthing a calf in a barn stall. Robin knows lots of stuff and isn't afraid to let other's know where they might be going wrong... thus her first real meeting with Dylan Sanchez.

While Dylan doesn't know much about ranching, he's determined to be a full-fledge cowboy with his own ranch though he'd prefer the horse power of one of the many trucks on his dealership lot than between his thighs. No spoiler, but you'll learn more about that when you read the book. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what he was stepping into when he asked for her assistance in rebuilding his newly acquired Broken Road Ranch.  

They click more than actual chemistry and I really loved how Christy let them build a friendship before launching into romance. 

I have two marks on this book that kept me from giving a perfect score. One was the missing pearl necklace was never addressed in the end. I'm curious to see if this is a continuing story line throughout the series. I don't remember anything in Book 2 so guess I'll be re-reading that this week. LOL

The other  mark is something I've mentioned before, possibly in my earlier review of Book 2. There are too many names to try and keep track of. These authors should include a family tree with the books. My tracking limit is usually three to four siblings... and only on one side. Trying to remember who was who's brother/ wife.... got complicated so I skimmed over those notations, enabling me to focus on Robin and Dylan. 

Please leave me a comment your thoughts on multiple siblings on both sides of a relationship in a series. 

I'm giving Sweet Talkin' Maverick...


Sweet-Talkin' Maverick is BOOK 1 in the Montana Maverick's - The Anniversary Gift series

Book 1: Sweet-Talkin' Maverick by Christy Jeffries

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