Monday, February 8, 2021

TOP 3 - 2-8-21

 Good morning, friends!

Well, last week was pretty much a bust for me. With Bob home, I really don't have a head for business or writing. I used to have a time in the morning between my getting up at 5 a.m. and Bob at around 8 a.m. This trip home he's been getting up either with or before me. With him home, I'm also going to bed later so I'm waking up later. I've lost my 'me' time in the morning but that's okay. I see so many stories of women who've husbands have died unexpectedly. I don't want to be one of them then wishing I'd spent more time with them. You can't turn back time. 

With that behind me, my Top 3 for this week will pretty much be the same... and hopefully have time to execute at least part of them.

As I write this on Sunday morning, I'm already working on the blog posts for February. Bob hasn't gotten up yet. For my AuthorTube, I am going to run an introduction video then plan to post there at least once per week for now. Some of those videos I will be able to batch and schedule. 

A couple of things I'll be talking about early on are Sarra Cannon's scheduling your writing time as well as the business side using the CEO Strategy Planner for Creative Entrenpreneurs by Alexis Giostra.  While Alexis is more about the business side of writing, Sarra's will help me get (and stay) on track. I just need to pull them out more than once in a blue moon and USE their proven methods.  

I'm going to link both of the videos below so that you can check them out. 

Sarra Cannon - (HeartBreathings Channel for writers) - 

Alexis aka Miss Trenchcoat (Alexis Giostra)

I will be talking about my Writing Schedule this week then next week, after Bob has gone back to work, I can be a bit more detailed when it comes to the business side of what I need to be doing. Really, the two planners work in tandem to hopefully get my writing and business back on track for a successful 2021. 

I hope you'll join me on this journey.

This week, I'm starting something new.
Each week I'll as you a question. A Blog IS Social Media yet the Social part is lost if there isn't any interaction. I hope you'll join the weekly discussion.

Do you schedule in or have a specific writing time? Share your journey, tips and tricks with the rest of us... 

Let's Be Social!

All my best!

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