Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

A foggy morning in the Ozarks after last night's storms. Bob heads back out on the boat today for his twenty-one days. This will be number six of the final count down to retirement. I am blessed with a very supportive husband who's retirement will affect my schedule in a good way. More of that later.

While I've featured Nina Lindsey in the past, I never posted a review so I thought I'd bring her back for a return engagement with a bonus post (tomorrow).

Here's a bit about Nina:

Nina Lindsey writes romances filled with heart, heat, and happy endings. She is delighted to introduce readers to Bliss Cove, California, a coastal town with an abundance of warm cookies, ocean breezes, and the ever-present possibility of love.

Nina loves all things spicy and sweet, with chili chocolates being at the top of the list. She is also a fan of glossy magazines, pop culture, Gilmore Girls, energy bites, Orangetheory, and the sound of silence.

She lives in Wisconsin with her meteorologist husband (yes, she asks him daily, "What's the weather forecast?"), their two children, an overly energetic dog, and a snail named Pipsqueak.

Nina has several books set in Bliss Cove. You'll find all of her books on her website and Amazon Author Page. (Links below). 

I've had one of her books, LOVE WALKS IN, on my Kindle for awhile. When I scrolled through looking for a book to review this week, this was a recent download (though I'm not sure why as the book was released in November, 2020).

By her FB page, I see her last update was September 2022 when she re-released her backlist. 

Nina also writes steamier books under Nina Lane.

So, take a look at Nina Lindsey's links below and come back tomorrow for my review as I visit Bliss Cove for the first time.

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