Wednesday, July 31, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - A Lullaby For the Maverick

 Hi friends!

As I type this, I will be headed for Kentucky to see my granddaughters. I've not seen them in seven years!  Way overdue for a visit, don't you agree? Bob is keeping the animals here at home company while I travel.

We have come to the end of The Montana Mavericks - The Anniversary Gift series. I'm a bit put out with the ending, but I'll explain in a moment. 


How can doing the right thing feel so wrong?

Wedding singer Bethany McCreery just got dumped…and now she's unexpectedly pregnant. Disappointed by more than one man in her past, she opts to embrace single motherhood. Until she meets wealthy rancher Theo Abernathy at her brother's wedding, that is. She knows she should just walk away. With all his commitments, Theo can't be both partner and father right now—at least not the kind Bethany and her baby deserve. But they're unable to keep their distance, on a collision course that could lead them to heartbreak…or forever.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story. This was one of those stories that show case 'when you know, you know', though Theo had to get out of his own way. His heart was always in the right place, but his brain - not so much. That said, I thought Theo was a stand-up guy. Handsome, rich, dependable ... yeah. Theo's a keeper and Bethany recognized that but the whole "let's be friends" thing was a futile attempt at these two admitting that wasn't going to work. 

My ONLY issue (Which I do NOT believe was Melissa's say in the matter. I'm blaming the editors ofr this one)  with this particular series had to do with Stanley and Winona. A lovely elderly couple that were planning to marry. Stanley was all set. Unlike Theo, Stanley knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the slightly eccentric Winona but she kept putting off setting a date. Bless Stanley's heart, he is so patient. 

Since these two were introduced in the beginning of the series, and played bit parts throughout each book, silly me thought they'd get together in the end... especially when we know a date is set and Stanley has his bachelor party! Well, I can't tell you what happens because I DON'T KNOW! Instead, we are led into the next Montana Mavericks series and hope there's resolution and that all is well with this precious couple. I believe we should have seen Stanley and Winona happy, THEN give us another secondary couple to fall in love with. As I said, silly me.

For that mis-step alone (and ONLY on that note) I'm giving A LULLABY FOR THE MAVERICK...


Here are the links to all six books. 

Book 1: Sweet-Talkin' Maverick by Christy Jeffries

Book 2: Maverick's Secret Daughter by Catherine Mann

Book 3: The Maverick's Marriage Deal by Kaylie Newell

Book 4: The Maverick's Thirty-Day Marriage by Rochelle Alers

Book 5: Starting Over with the Maverick by Kathy Douglass

Book 6: A Lullaby for the Maverick by Melissa Senate

Please visit the links below to learn more about Melissa. I'll be back tomorrow with the review of A LULLABY FOR THE MAVERICK.



All my best!

~ Angela

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