Monday, February 15, 2021

TOP 3 2-15-21


Are you surprised? I'm not. When Bob is home, it is what it is. 

I did get to work on the Social Media a bit by organizing my files and getting my head in the right direction of what needs to go up and when. I've added my time-table cheat card back into my planner so that when I do post to SM, they are at the optimum times. Whether those times have adjusted since a lot of people are working from home or not, I don't know. I'd love to hear from you.  

In the mean time, here's a link to the cheat card I use (from Pinterest) by

The other thing I really need to do before I can move forward on etsy projects is getting the work table cleared off. I was 'almost' there when Bob came home. From there, any time in the studio was spent working on the collabs I'm in. 

I've already set my Q1 plan for the rest of this quarter and hope to have the kanban board up by the end of the week. I'm a very visual person so having the board up with all the sticky notes to move around as I accomplish things is super important to me... just as soon as I unearth the kanban board from the January Junk Journal supplies. 

I'll talk more about my Kanban board plan on Friday. 

Tomorrow, I want to introduce you to an old love and see if I can discover what the author of said love has been up to.

All my best

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