Wednesday, July 31, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - A Lullaby For the Maverick

 Hi friends!

As I type this, I will be headed for Kentucky to see my granddaughters. I've not seen them in seven years!  Way overdue for a visit, don't you agree? Bob is keeping the animals here at home company while I travel.

We have come to the end of The Montana Mavericks - The Anniversary Gift series. I'm a bit put out with the ending, but I'll explain in a moment. 


How can doing the right thing feel so wrong?

Wedding singer Bethany McCreery just got dumped…and now she's unexpectedly pregnant. Disappointed by more than one man in her past, she opts to embrace single motherhood. Until she meets wealthy rancher Theo Abernathy at her brother's wedding, that is. She knows she should just walk away. With all his commitments, Theo can't be both partner and father right now—at least not the kind Bethany and her baby deserve. But they're unable to keep their distance, on a collision course that could lead them to heartbreak…or forever.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story. This was one of those stories that show case 'when you know, you know', though Theo had to get out of his own way. His heart was always in the right place, but his brain - not so much. That said, I thought Theo was a stand-up guy. Handsome, rich, dependable ... yeah. Theo's a keeper and Bethany recognized that but the whole "let's be friends" thing was a futile attempt at these two admitting that wasn't going to work. 

My ONLY issue (Which I do NOT believe was Melissa's say in the matter. I'm blaming the editors ofr this one)  with this particular series had to do with Stanley and Winona. A lovely elderly couple that were planning to marry. Stanley was all set. Unlike Theo, Stanley knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with the slightly eccentric Winona but she kept putting off setting a date. Bless Stanley's heart, he is so patient. 

Since these two were introduced in the beginning of the series, and played bit parts throughout each book, silly me thought they'd get together in the end... especially when we know a date is set and Stanley has his bachelor party! Well, I can't tell you what happens because I DON'T KNOW! Instead, we are led into the next Montana Mavericks series and hope there's resolution and that all is well with this precious couple. I believe we should have seen Stanley and Winona happy, THEN give us another secondary couple to fall in love with. As I said, silly me.

For that mis-step alone (and ONLY on that note) I'm giving A LULLABY FOR THE MAVERICK...


Here are the links to all six books. 

Book 1: Sweet-Talkin' Maverick by Christy Jeffries

Book 2: Maverick's Secret Daughter by Catherine Mann

Book 3: The Maverick's Marriage Deal by Kaylie Newell

Book 4: The Maverick's Thirty-Day Marriage by Rochelle Alers

Book 5: Starting Over with the Maverick by Kathy Douglass

Book 6: A Lullaby for the Maverick by Melissa Senate

Please visit the links below to learn more about Melissa. I'll be back tomorrow with the review of A LULLABY FOR THE MAVERICK.



All my best!

~ Angela

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Hello, friends!

By the time you read this I'll be home (or almost). I'm betting I'm tired. As much as I love to travel, my favorite place to be is at home with Bob and our critters. 

Today, I'm shining the spotlight in the final author of the Montana Mavericks - The Anniversary Gift series. Let's learn a bit about Melissa Senate.


I've written many novels under my own name and pen names (including a secret pseudonym, but email me, and I'll tell you). My first novel, SEE JANE DATE (2001), was made into a cute TV movie, and I now write contemporary romances for Harlequin Special Edition.

Please visit my website for more information. I love to hear from readers so feel free to email me with any comments or questions.

Happy Reading!

NOTE: For a longer, more detailed bio of this lady's talents, please visit her WEBSITE.

Please visit the links below to learn more about Melissa. I'll be back tomorrow with the review of A LULLABY FOR THE MAVERICK.



All my best!

~ Angela

Monday, July 29, 2024


 Hi, friends!

Again, Blogger failed to post scheduled Monday posts. They aren't even in my que any longer. So I'll get the last July in here then we'll start fresh with August.

All my best!
~ Angela

Friday, July 26, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - ON FRIDAY- Starting Over With The Maverick

 Good morning, friends!

As you have probably experienced, life doesn't always go as planned. Thus is my life when Bob is home for his twenty-one days. My usual work schedule goes right out the window. Only five months left then I can set a regular schedule. 

Add to the fact I began reading the wrong book in order. LOL Something in my brain said 'Starting Over With the Maverick' seemed the logical book to end the series. so much for my brain. 

We're on track now, and I think you for your patience.

Book Blurb:

The cowboy she hadn’t counted on

After losing her husband, Elizabeth Hawkins is happy to be reunited with her rodeo-riding sisters and extended family, even if she expects her time in Montana may be brief. But she's thrown when Bronco native Jake McCreery ambles into her heart…and even more when it looks as though the commitment-shy cowboy wants to stay! The rugged rancher is also a widower with three kids; she has two. Together they could make a beautiful life, but only if they can find the courage to take a second chance on love—with each other.

My first impression was that the story opened up slow. Then I realized, the set-up for the rest of the story flowed as the author meant. 

Elizabeth and Jake have both experienced painful loss in the deaths of their spouses. Jake wasn't looking to fill his late wife's place with anyone - even though six years have passed. As for Elizabeth, two years is not very long in the grand scheme of things when you feel you've lost your soulmate unexpectedly. Both have had their hands full raising their children - trying to be both mother and father. We all know how hard raising kids can be when you have both parents in the picture and there are readers who there who've done the job solo as well. Also, having kids complicates the combining of souls. Kathy Douglas did an excellent job and letting the kids be the stars of this story. Who wouldn't want twin girls? Or what boy wouldn't want a mom when he'd never had one. Almost from the beginning, these five children form a sibling bond then just hung out waiting for their parents to figure out the rest. 

Kids and animals are two of my weakness' in a story. Their innocence yet maturity (at any age) really put things in perspective.  I'm giving Starting Over With The Maverick...

Only one book left in this series. Here are the links to all six books. 

Book 1: Sweet-Talkin' Maverick by Christy Jeffries

Book 2: Maverick's Secret Daughter by Catherine Mann

Book 3: The Maverick's Marriage Deal by Kaylie Newell

Book 4: The Maverick's Thirty-Day Marriage by Rochelle Alers

Book 5: Starting Over with the Maverick by Kathy Douglass

Book 6: A Lullaby for the Maverick by Melissa Senate

I enjoyed her story in The Montana Maverick's series and I hope you will, too. Review posts tomorrow.

In the mean time, you'll find Kathy through any of the links below:



All my best!


Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

As you read this I am on my way to The Great Smokey Mountains. I've never been before so maybe there will be a new book series inspiration. We shall see.

Today, I'm shinning the spotlight on Kathy Douglass.

Here's a bit about Kathy Douglass (okay.. a little more than a 'bit') LOL

Kathy is a born reader who as a child always had her nose in a book. That love of reading grew with her. She often would finish one book and immediately pick up another. She went from reading Bobbsey Twins to long, lush romance novels. One day she stumbled upon the Shining by Stephen King and was hooked. She turned her back on romance and became a serious Stephen King fan, reading every word he wrote. When she caught herself checking under the bed and looking in the closet for monsters or worse, she knew it was time to put down the horror stories and pick up the romance novels.

Her return to romance novels was short lived. She’d started law school and soon her reading was limited to legal opinions. Then one happy day her younger sister handed her a Harlequin romance. They were just what the doctor ordered. The books were short enough to read in a week and still get her required reading done. Best of all she knew there would be a happy ending and she wouldn’t have to search her room before she went to bed each night.

When her first child was born, she stopped practicing law to become a stay at home mom. Her second child followed nineteen months later. With two little ones in the house, reading suddenly became limited to Dr. Seuss and other children’s books. Any free time was spent trying to catch up on sleep or laundry.

All too soon her kids were attending pre-school two hours a day. She spent those few precious renewing her relationship with romance novels. After a while she felt the urge to write a book of her own and she began writing the stories she wanted to read. She spent many years writing some really terrible books and learning her craft. In 2016, Kathy sold to Harlequin. Her first book, How to Steal the Lawman’s Heart, was released in February, 2017.

In the mean time, you'll find Kathy through any of the links below:



All my best!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - The Maverick's Thirty-Day Marriage

Good morning, friends!

I'm in the process of reading another great book in The Montana Mavericks - The Anniversary Gift series.

THE MAVERICK'S THIRTY-DAY MARRIAGE is Book 4 in The Montana Mavericks - The Anniversary Gift series. 


“Marry me…for a month!”

Cowboy Ross Burris has an image problem, and he needs to fix it in a hurry. When sports reporter Celeste Montgomery comes to town for an interview, opportunity knocks—and Ross answers. He can’t believe it when he proposes to the city girl, but no one is more surprised than Celeste when she actually says “I do!” to the sexy rodeo star. But she quickly realizes she’s made a terrible mistake, because all she wants is to make her fake Mr. a forever husband…

Something about this story captured me in the first few pages. Russ doesn't want anything to do with being interviewed, though I don't think his response has anything to do with the reporter originally wanting to interview his brother, Geoff. He just isn't interested. He's focused on his career and his future. So why does he change his mind when he sees Celeste's picture in the dossier folder? My first thought took me back to the blurb of a book from my back list. When he saw her, he knew he had to have her... and does.

Russ, himself, tells you he isn't interested in marriage and settling down (though, just like in previous books in the series, he is the hold-out amongst his siblings--much to the dismay of his parents).So why the change of heart? 

Celeste is very focused on her career, too, and proving to her boss she can handle the tough assignments. I have my opinions on her boss but I'll leave that for you to decide.

So, go through all the hoops of not just a 'pretend' marriage - but to actually GET MARRIED?! Yeah, I can see a whole host of problems and sexual tension in this relationship. 

I've also loved the fact that we have people of color as our main characters. I hadn't realized in the earlier books when the authors referenced the Hawkins family. Refreshing. 

Rochelle Alers wrote an outstanding story in this series. I'm looking forward to adding more of her books to my endless TBR. 

I know you're probably tired of seeing this, but THIS SERIES warrants every quill I assign. 


We have two books left in this series. Here are the links to all six books. 

Book 1: Sweet-Talkin' Maverick by Christy Jeffries

Book 2: Maverick's Secret Daughter by Catherine Mann

Book 3: The Maverick's Marriage Deal by Kaylie Newell

Book 4: The Maverick's Thirty-Day Marriage by Rochelle Alers

Book 5: Starting Over with the Maverick by Kathy Douglass

Book 6: A Lullaby for the Maverick by Melissa Senate

You'll find out more about Rochelle Alers by visiting yesterday's Spotlight Post HERE as well as clicking on the links below.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 Good morning, everyone!

I'm still trying to get ahead of posts before I leave on the twenty-second. Bob will be home to keep an eye on things here while I go see our grandgirls.

This week, I'm shining the spotlight on Rochelle Alers. She wrote Book 4 in The Maverick's of Montana - The Anniversary Gift series.

Here's a bit about Rochelle:

This year I am honored to celebrate thirty-five years as a published author and throughout these many years I have strived to bring readers the characters and the storylines they have come to expect from me.

I’ve written about many family series – some that are generations and regions of the country that may be familiar to many readers.  And there are occasions where I find myself veering from traditional and occasionally sensual romance to introduce titles that are categorized as women’s and historical fiction.  I hope that when you open one of my books you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Tomorrow, I'll be reviewing  Thirty Day Marriage, Book 4 in The Maverick's of Montana - The Anniversary Gift series.

While you wait, please check out the links below to learn more about Rochelle:



All my best!

~ Angela 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - The Maverick's Marriage Deal

 Good morning, friends!

I've had a busy couple of days trying to get ahead of some blog posts before the RSJ Conference this week and prepping for post to run while I'm on my trip later this month. I'm striving to not have any blog gaps so bear with me, please. 

When I posted last week's replay post on FB, apparently the bots didn't think the post fit within their guidelines; removing the post for spamming! And some people wonder why I'm not a fan of the platform. I hope I got some views on the post before they removed it.  So we'll try again this week.

THE MAVERICK'S MARRIAGE DEAL is Book 3 in the Montana Mavericks - The Anniversary Gift series.


"If we’re both still single at thirty…"

Rancher Shep Dalton was just eighteen when he told his high school friend Rylee Parker he’d marry her—if they hadn’t found spouses by thirty. Those twelve years went by in a flash, and what started out as a joke has suddenly turned serious—thanks to a fib told by tipsy Shep at a friend's birthday party! Now everyone in Bronco believes they’re getting married, and Shep’s dirty little secret is that he doesn’t mind at all. But being a real-life husband to sweet Rylee seems like a dream out of reach for the restless cowboy…

I've read marriage of convenience stories, but this was a totally different spin. I think, what I loved most about this story was how Kaylie created characters that had a lot of the same similarities, as well as differences. This allowed them to really come together, yet struggle with their inner conflicts. Kaylie Newell is a true artist in creating this story. We not all be able to identify but we wanted to cheer them on, maybe even smack a certain cowboy up along side the head a time or two. We also saw growth in Shep's father, mostly because it helped her bring Shep's turning point to the forefront. Masterful!

There's one other thread I've been looking for in this series, but I won't tell you. No spoiler alerts from this reviewer. You'll just have to read to find out. ;-)

The other thing I've loved about this whole series is that we're reading about characters approaching their 30s. They are mature, with experience to build the stories around. This isn't the Bachelorette. We are looking for real people, with real scars to show us anything is possible; that fairytales are possible.



Remember, there are a total of six books in this series. You'll find links to all of them below:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

I'm trying to work ahead today as I'll be on-line with the RSJ Conference starting Thursday and my brain will be swirling in the whirlpool of information.  This is a fabulous conference for Readers as well as Writers. There's still time to register for this amazing conference. I got so much great information last year, I signed up on the early bird the last day. I do have an AFFILIATE LINK if you're interested. I also have a discount code, saving you $50 on registration. 

Use Discount Code: 2K1SSM3

Now to our regularly scheduled program.

This week, we continue our journey through the six-book series of The Maverick's of Montana - The Anniversary Gift. Book 3 is The Maverick's Marriage Deal. I'm halfway through and loving the twist on a 'marriage of convenience'. More about that tomorrow.

Photo from Tule Publishing website

Here's a bit about Kaylie:
For Kaylie Newell, storytelling is in the blood. Growing up the daughter of two writers, she knew eventually she'd want to follow in their footsteps. While she's written short stories her whole life, it wasn't until after her kids were born that she decided to shoot for the moon and write her first romance novel. She's now the proud author of over twenty books, including the RITA® finalists, Christmas at The Graff and Tanner's Promise.

Kaylie lives in Southern Oregon with her husband, two daughters, a rambunctious terrier mix, a blind Doberman, and two indifferent cats.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow when I review The Maverick's Marriage Deal.

In the mean time, check out Kaylie's links below:



All my best!

~ Angela

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

WEDNESDAY REVIEW - Maverick's Secret Daughter

Good morning, everyone!

NOTE: This post (as well as tomorrow's review post) are replays of February 20th and 21st. I'm doing this because I am highlight all six authors and their books in order in the Maverick's of Montana - The Anniversary Gift series. This is Book 2 in the series.


Let's talk about it!


He was a father—but he longed to win over her mother, too…

When sales rep Gabrielle Hammond wound up pregnant after a very out-of-character fling at a convention, she was sure Ryan Taylor would want no part of fatherhood. Now, two years later, the wealthy rancher has discovered Bella is his, and he is proposing marriage to Gabby—right away! Wary of his offer, Gabby agrees only to spend some time on the Taylor ranch, to let the daddy get to know his daughter. But the closer Gabby gets to Ryan, the harder it is to fight the hunky cowboy’s appeal…

Another secret baby story, true. But this is also a second chance. A chance for two people who had an amazing connection, conceived a child then went their separate ways. 
At first, I thought Ryan was a cad (read the book then tell me in the comments below if you picked up on that). Tall drink of Texan charms, beds then leaves a woman to figure out the rest for herself.

Mind you, Gabby is no slouch. She is a fierce Momma Bear willing to protect Bella at all costs... even if her decision means heartbreak. 

Another interesting character in this book was Thaddeus Taylor. The man is portrayed as a horrible person. His children tolerate him, sometimes. His wife lives almost reclusive in her wing of the huge log mansion. You have to wonder, what made Thaddeus Taylor the way his? I'm anxious to read the other books in the series to learn more about the family Ryan grew up in and secrets lurking in Thaddeus' past. 

I put the book down one time. Dishes and food called. LOL So you can bet I'm giving MAVERICK'S SECRET DAUGHTER:

There are 6 other books in the series. (This is Book 2). Here are the links to the other books. Book 3 releases next month.
NOTE: I believe the links below are for eBooks. I picked up my hard copy at Walmart.

You can find out more about Catherine Mann by following any of the links below. 

All my best!
~ Angela

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

NOTE: This post (as well as tomorrow's review post) are replays of February 20th and 21st. I'm doing this because I am highlight all six authors and their books in order in the Maverick's of Montana - The Anniversary Gift series.

This week, I am shining the spotlight author on USA Today Bestselling author, Catherine Mann. 

Catherine has a total of 67 Books To Date, including:

Silhouette/ Harlequin Desire

Silhouette Special Edition

Series Collaborations

Single Book anthology

Her latest book, Maverick's Secret Daughter is part of the Montana Mavericks - The Anniversary Gift series (Harlequin is celebrating 75 years of delivering great reads in multiple sub-genres of romance. I guess they know what they're doing!)

We'll get to her new release and talk about the rest of the series tomorrow. In the mean time, let's get to know Catherine Mann:

USA Today bestseller Catherine Mann writes contemporary romance for Harlequin, Tule, Berkley, and Sourcebooks. With over seventy-five books released in more than twenty countries, she has won a RITA Award, the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice Award, and the Bookseller’s Best Award. She’s also celebrated six RITA finals, an RT Reviewer’s Award finalist, three Maggie Award of Excellence finals and a Bookseller’s Best win. After years moving around the country bringing up four children, Catherine has settled back in her home state of South Carolina with her husband. The nest didn’t stay empty long though as they are both active in animal rescue. Catherine enjoys hearing from her readers and can be found online frequently on Facebook.

I hope you'll come back tomorrow for my review of Maverick's Secret Daughter, Book 2 in the Montana Mavericks series.  In the mean time, please check out the links below for more on Catherine Mann.

All my best!

Monday, July 1, 2024


 Good morning, friends!

A beautiful day is on the forecast for today. Upper 70s! I hope to spend most of the day outside prepping the garden for the next heat wave. I hope you are blessed with the same glorious weather.

All my best!
~ Angela