Monday, June 27, 2022


 Good morning, everyone!

I warned you last week would be a busy week. I got back from the BTP Conference on Sunday, finished flying through the house touch-up before Bob's Mom and her husband arrived on Monday afternoon. They left Wednesday after breakfast. With their departure, I just wanted to breathe. I've promised Bob most of this week belongs to him since he'll be leaving a week from tomorrow. 

He isn't always home for 4th of July. I'm not sure what we'll do since he'll be home but I would be happy sitting on the sofa watching Macy's and Capitol 4th. 

I hope to get the Something Blue authors back tomorrow and Wednesday but at this moment I can't promise.

For one, Tabby finished her antibiotics this morning. With the Feline Leukemia rearing it's ugly head more and more every day, she wants to snuggle with me more and more. I'm a strong believer in that the Earth Mother brings me these animals to make their journey to the Rainbow Bridge a one full of love. 

That said, here is my week:

* Blog what I'm able to fit in
* Finish HB90 course and set up Kanban Board
* Mixed Media art class (Tuesday night)
* Find work table so I can participate in said class

That's it for me this week. What's your adventure?

All my best

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