Thursday, April 23, 2020


 A couple of weeks ago I shared that the #1 Writer's Tip was to Write Every Day.

Joanna Penn

Today's tip comes from novelist and writing coach, Joanna Penn.  Joanna says to Schedule time to write and show up for the meeting. 

That's really good advice. I've always heard we should treat our writing time, if we are serious about the business. Once you have that in your planner, be there. be on time - even a little earlier. Treat your scheduled writing time like any other appointment you can't miss such as a medical appointment, parent/' teacher meeting, date with your hero. You have to show up!

I've recently joined a group on YouTube - a co-workers meeting - led my Marisa Mohi.  I know that at 10 a.m. CST every weekday morning, I need to be in that group.. But here's the thing - a lot of us are in there by 9 a.m. Sometimes we just chat about the ups and downs of the previous week but we also talk about plot points and offer bolstering and support where needed.

You are welcome to join us!

Even on the days (like today) when YouTube has decided I don't need to be in the meeting, I still have it in my planner to write during that hour  or two. Whether I can meet up with them or not, I am still at my keyboard making words happen... whether it's on a blog post or my story. I'm writing every day.

Are you writing every day?

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