Friday, June 18, 2021

WRITER'S NEST - Prix Gautney

 Good morning, everyone!

We are ready to take a drive today. You see, Prix's Writer's Nest is not in her home.. Are you ready? The bus is running and the AC is running. 

Describe your writing nest
The aroma of fresh baked bread wafts through my writing nest every day. I write in a little corner of our local Subway on a long bench seat, tucked away from the crowds ordering sandwiches, salads, and pizzas. An outlet and free WiFi satisfy my technical needs, and a wide, sturdy table provides the perfect “desk” on which to write. All of my novels are handwritten in spiral-bound notebooks, and this corner provides the ideal spot for writing.

What is it about this space that inspires you?

This space is away from windows, which gives my eyes a chance to relax since they are sensitive to light. Also, it is away from home. If I attempt to write at home, there are too many distractions that pull me away from writing—dishes and laundry to wash, sweeping, dusting, animals to care for, food to prepare, etc. When I write in my little corner of Subway, the distractions are no longer present, and I accomplish what I set out to do. And the light background music and quiet chatter provide the much needed “white noise” that helps me focus.

Has finding your space been an evolving journey?

Finding my writing space has been a journey on its own. Over the years, it has evolved from writing on my bed or at our public library, to a table at McDonald’s, then one at Subway. I wrote on Friday and Saturday evenings at the Subway in our local Wal-Mart when my children were younger, and that worked well for a while. However, the background noise became too overwhelming, and I eventually sought out a new space at our stand-alone Subway on Main Street. Funnily enough, my daughter eventually landed her first job at that Subway, and when I went there to write, it was also an opportunity for the two of us to bond any time she had caught up on her work.

previous decor
Anything you would change?

Personally, I would change the décor back to the old style. I tend to respond to warm and dark colors, partly because it sets the tone for what I write. My novels take place in the forest, and surrounding myself with forest colors anchors me in that world. Alternately, I would create a home office separate from the house that would function much like my current nest. However, knowing me, I would still allow myself to be distracted by every task left undone in my house. At present, writing away from home works best.

Thanks for taking us on a tour. I think I'll sit over there and have a sandwich.. I'm way behind on my next book. 

Remember, you will find copies of Prix's books: Season of Crows and Season of Madness by clicking on the title. Be sure to follow Prix on her social media sites!


All my best

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