Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 Quick Note - Remember, the review of Season of Crows will be posted tomorrow.

Today, I'm shining the spotlight on author, Prix (Pree) Gautney

I first met Prix at an Ozark Creative Writers Conference several years ago. Talk about a talented writer! This woman places 'high' (as in lots of first places!) in the writers competitions at the conference. She is amazingly talented... as you'll see when you read her first two books Season of Crows and Season of Madness. 

Prix sees stories in the most unusual of places. As romance authors, we people watch, Prix watches forest creatures.  Let's meet, Prix Gautney.


I live on a small farm in southern Missouri with my two amazing children and an ever-changing number of cats, chickens, and vegetables. Though I enjoy writing Middle Grade/Young Adult Fantasy, I also love to write picture books. Every story is written longhand in spiral bound notebooks, and I later type them into my computer. I prefer the flow of the pen over the click of the keys and the mild onslaught of radiation from my laptop. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

From her blog profile, I also learned her favorite movies are anything that takes place on a plane or in outer space, has zombies or is a period drama. Her interests include organic gardening and her favorite books are Watership Down and Birth of a Firebringer. Prix's writing style has also been compared to Kenneth Grahame (Wind in the Willows)

Tomorrow, I'll post my review of the first book in the Evershade series (there are 2). Then Thursday, Prix will share some sage writing advice. Friday, we'll look inside her writer's nest. I hope you'll come along!

In the meantime, you'll find Prix on the following social media locations:


All my best

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